West End Project 2 Year Look Ahead

May 2018

The future of Tottenham Court Road

Transformations start 4th June

The first phase of work on Tottenham Court Road starts on Monday 4th June. Read on for all the latest project news.

WEP High vis

Phase 1 work

From Monday 4th June we will be working in three areas on the eastern side of Tottenham Court Road between the junctions of:

  • University Street and Queen's Yard
  • Alfred Mews and Chenies Street
  • Bedford Avenue and Great Russell Street

This work includes laying new paving and changing the kerb lines. There will be some disruption in the area including pedestrian diversions, lane closures and noise but we are working closely with our contractors to keep this to a minimum.

If you are driving through the area please do take extra care through the road works. You can recognise our works by the West End Project and Eurovia Logos on all our operatives as modelled expertly by Hoidraig in the image above!

New Oxford Street paving

New Oxford Street on track

Work around New Oxford Street is going well, you should now be able to see some of the new paving in place.

In fact our contractor VolkerHighways have actually got ahead of the planned programme.

This means work on the next section (the north side of New Oxford Street between Tottenham Court Road and Dyott Street) has now already started.

Don't forget you can see the full schedule of works and any updates on our website.

New Oxford Street timeline >>

Phasing Plan

Programme of work

You can now find the two year look ahead for the work on Tottenham Court Road and Gower Street on our website.

We are working in sections to keep disruption to a minimum and have created a map to show when we will be in each area.

We will keep publishing our weekly look ahead as well as a more detailed break down of the phases on our website.

Explore the Programme >>

New Webpages coming soon!

We have been working on a new website to make finding out about the West End Project quicker and easier.

We’ll be sharing news on our new site in our next newsletter but in the meantime don’t forget you can see what work is coming up each week in our look ahead.

Next week's work >>

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0845 3308 743 (24 hour)

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Visit us:

The Buildings Centre,

Store Street, London, WC1E 7BT

May - June:

Mondays 1pm - 6pm

Fridays 8am - 1pm

(excluding bank holidays)

