This email has been sent to all staff in Homes and Neighbourhoods.
Mandatory learning - all staff
Deadline: 31 March 2023
Providing effective training is part of the council's legal responsibility and helps ensure that employees know how to work safely and without risk to themselves or others.
All staff must complete four mandatory training courses online using the MyLearning system. The Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Team have worked with corporate learning colleagues, who have assigned these courses to all Homes and Neighbourhoods staff.
Click here to access the MyLearning portal. Save this email so you can access it in the future.
You must do the following courses:
- Fire Safety (approx. 45 minutes)
- Health and Safety Awareness (approx. 45 minutes)
- Manual Handling (approx. 45 minutes)
- Stress Awareness for Employees (approx. 30 minutes)
Are you a frontline worker?
If you are a front-line worker (e.g. trades staff), you may need to receive this training in another format that better suits you, such as face-to-face in a classroom. The SHE Team will work with team leaders to implement this. Please speak to your manager or the SHE Team if you have any questions or need support.
Do you manage staff?
If you manage staff, we need you to do three things:
- Complete your Mandatory Learning - all staff.
- Make sure your staff complete the four mandatory courses online or face-to-face. The SHE Team are currently working on implementing face-to-face courses across our service.
- Complete the manager courses within 'Kirklees Leaders & Managers'.
If you have any questions about the training or how to access it, please speak to the SHE Team. Thank you.