Deadline for secondary school applications

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Islington Council

Secondary school applications

[Stock image] apply today

Don't be late!

If you've not done so already, you must submit your application by Thursday 31 October. If your application is received after the closing date, then it will be late and this will reduce your chances of getting a place at your preferred school.

Apply now

Thanks to everyone who has already submitted their application. We hope you've found these newsletters useful. We'll be back in touch just before offer day with some more useful information. Find out when offer day is below!


[stock image] i love school

When do I find out my offer?

Offer day is Monday 2 March 2020. You will get your offer by email during the evening, so make sure you keep your account log in details and password handy. You must accept (or decline) your offer by Monday 16 March 2020.

[stock image] school uniform

Extra support

Free school meals are available to some secondary school pupils. Your child may be eligible if you receive certain benefits. There's also a uniform grant to help with the cost when your child transfers to secondary school.

Find out more

Top tips

Make a note

Make a note of your application reference number and your username and password for the online system, so you have them to hand to check your result.

Get the app

Why not sign up for ParentComms? Using the app, you will be able to receive the outcome of your application on your mobile device.


Read the full secondary schools applications brochure here

