FatWire Authors and Editors Update: Important information about the 'Site Plan' tab

Online Services Bulletin

Issue 3. August 2012


FatWire Software

FatWire 'Site Plan' tab

You may have noticed that General Information and  External File assets are visible on the Site Plan tab again. This functionality was removed to perform system checks in order to identify and resolve FatWire system performance issues. The Content Management System (CMS) technical team have completed their investigations and this functionality has been restored. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.




Do you need to copy a Word or Excel table into FatWire?

Copying tables  from Microsoft Word or Excel and pasting them onto a web page in FatWire can be problematic. There are a series of steps that must be followed in order to copy and paste tables correctly.  These steps have been outlined in a FAQ which is available on the Editors & Authors Toolkit (EAT) pages on the HPA intranet.

 See the FAQ: How do I copy a table from Excel or Word and paste it onto my web page? 



    Avatar person at computer

New Website Managing Editor joins Online Services team

Liz McWilliams replaces Neil Hough as the Website Managing Editor. Liz joined the Agency in May 2012 and has had to hit the ground running to manage all online services responsibilities associated with 2012 Olympic Games and the Public Health England (PHE) transition. Some of you have already met Liz but those who haven’t will be able to meet her at the next ‘Authors and Editors Meeting’. This meeting is due to be held in October 2012 when the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympic Games are completed.