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Understanding Disability Awards
Cardiff, 31 October 2024 – The Future Inn Cardiff transformed into a vibrant celebration of inclusivity and community spirit on Halloween as the annual Understanding Disability Awards took place. The awards ceremony was a heartwarming tribute to the remarkable individuals and organisations that go above and beyond to support those with disabilities.
The Vale Unpaid Carers Hub and Carers’ Development Officer shared an information stand with Vale Unpaid Carers Hub, Tuvida at the event (see photo).
The event attracted a large and enthusiastic crowd, including local dignitaries such as the Deputy Lord Mayor of Cardiff and the Mayor of The Vale of Glamorgan, who underscored the importance of recognising the invaluable contributions of those working tirelessly in the disability sector. Their presence added a sense of honour to the proceedings, highlighting the collective commitment to fostering a more inclusive society.
At the Awards ceremony, Claire Davies, the new Director of the Parents’ Federation was introduced. Claire will be taking over the role previously held for many years by John Cushen. The Carers’ Team send their best wishes to John in his retirement, and we look forward to working with Claire in 2025 and beyond.
"A huge thank you to everyone who nominated an individual for an award and for everyone who attended. You truly made the day spectacular," remarked one of the event organisers, reflecting on the community’s collective spirit.
Parents Federation November newsletter:
Adferiad Unpaid Carer Group
The next Meeting will be held on 18 December 2024 between 11am to 1pm, at Bridge Between Community Centre, Heol Y Llongau, Barry CF63 4AT
The carers group is available to any unpaid carer providing support to someone with a mental health illness.
Light refreshments are provided, and all are welcome.
For more information 07436 273876 or visit
Flu and Covid-19 vaccinations for unpaid carers
Did you know that unpaid carers are eligible for flu and COVID-19 vaccines this winter? Vaccination is one of the safest and most effective ways of preventing you and those you care for from getting seriously ill.
If you haven’t had an invitation to be vaccinated against flu and/or COVID-19, you’ll find your local health board’s website which will have all the details on how to get vaccinated in your area here:
Please note: When you click on this link, you will also need to click on the bar near the top of the webpage that says ‘Click here to find out how to get your Flu and COVID-19 vaccines'
This will take you to contact details for your local health board to ask for the vaccines. You will need to do this because there is not a system in place to call up unpaid carers. You will need to contact your health board and request the vaccines, because you are an unpaid carer
What is WE:THRIVE?
Wellbeing Empowerment Through Holistic Recovery & Inclusive Vocational Engagement (WE:THRIVE) is a new approach to help people who have Mental Health Problems within the Cardiff and Vale area.
The Service is modelled after Westminster's Individual Placement and Support in Primary Care (IPSPC) initiative and is embedded in the Mental Health treatment teams.
We aim to encourage and support participants with a holistic approach to wellbeing and recovery through access to work based off their strengths, skills and preferences, leading to better Mental Health outcomes. The WE:THRIVE service is for anyone who wants support to obtain competitive, paid work as part of their recovery journey.
How do I take part?
In order to take part, all you need to do is ask at your next appointment with your Community Mental Health Team and they will take your details.
If you don’t wish to wait until your next appointment, simply contact your Community Mental Health Team and ask to be referred in - they can take your details over the phone or face to face at their reception desk.
If you wish, you can also self-refer into the service by clicking on the link below.
Someone from the IPSPC team will then make contact with you to begin the process.
Are you worried about the cost of the festive season?
We have lots of financial support options available that could help you save on your water bill.
We’re here to help.
Call us to talk through your options: 0800 052 0145
Visit us online for more info:
Gwobrau Deall Anabledd
Caerdydd, 31 Hydref 2024 – Trawsnewidiwyd Future Inn Caerdydd yn ddathliad bywiog o gynwysoldeb ac ysbryd cymunedol ar ddydd Calan Gaeaf wrth i'r Gwobrau Deall Anabledd blynyddol gael eu cynnal. Roedd y seremoni wobrwyo yn deyrnged dwymgalon i'r unigolion a'r sefydliadau rhyfeddol sy'n mynd y tu hwnt i gefnogi pobl ag anableddau.
Rhannodd Hyb Gofalwyr Di-dâl y Fro a’r Swyddog Datblygu Gofalwyr stondin wybodaeth gyda Chanolfan Gofalwyr Di-dâl y Fro, Tuvida yn y digwyddiad (gweler y llun).
Denodd y digwyddiad dorf fawr a brwdfrydig, gan gynnwys boneddigion lleol megis Dirprwy Arglwydd Faer Caerdydd a Maer Bro Morgannwg, a danlinellodd bwysigrwydd cydnabod cyfraniadau amhrisiadwy y rhai sy'n gweithio'n ddiflino yn y sector anabledd. Ychwanegodd eu presenoldeb ymdeimlad o anrhydedd at yr achlysur, gan dynnu sylw at yr ymrwymiad ar y cyd i feithrin cymdeithas fwy cynhwysol.
Yn y seremoni wobrwyo, cyflwynwyd Claire Davies, Cyfarwyddwr newydd Ffederasiwn y Rhieni. Bydd Claire yn ymgymryd â'r rôl a lanwyd yn flaenorol am flynyddoedd lawer gan John Cushen. Mae'r Tîm Gofalwyr yn anfon eu dymuniadau gorau at John yn ei ymddeoliad, ac edrychwn ymlaen at weithio gyda Claire yn 2025 a thu hwnt.
“Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb a enwebodd unigolyn am wobr ac i bawb a fynychodd. Fe wnaethoch chi’r diwrnod yn wirioneddol wefreiddiol,” meddai un o drefnwyr y digwyddiad, gan fyfyrio ar ysbryd cyfunol y gymuned.
Cylchlythyr Tachwedd Ffederasiwn Rhieni:
Brechiadau rhag y ffliw a Covid-19 i ofalwyr di-dâl
Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod gofalwyr di-dâl yn gymwys i gael brechiadau rhag y ffliw a Covid-19 y gaeaf hwn? Brechiad yw un o'r ffyrdd mwyaf diogel a mwyaf effeithiol i'ch atal chi a'r rhai rydych chi'n gofalu amdanynt rhag mynd yn ddifrifol wael.
Os nad ydych wedi cael gwahoddiad i gael eich brechu rhag y ffliw a/neu Covid-19, mae dolen i wefan eich bwrdd iechyd lleol a fydd yn cynnwys yr holl wybodaeth ar sut i gael eich brechu yn eich ardal chi ar y dudalen hon:
Nodwch: Pan fyddwch chi'n clicio ar y ddolen hon, bydd angen i chi hefyd glicio ar y bar ger top y dudalen we sy'n dweud ‘Cliciwch yma i ddarganfod sut i gael eich brechlynnau Ffliw a Covid-19.’
Bydd y ddolen yn mynd â chi i'r manylion cyswllt ar gyfer eich bwrdd iechyd lleol fel y gallwch ofyn am y brechlynnau. Bydd angen i chi wneud hyn oherwydd nad oes system ar waith i gysylltu â gofalwyr di-dâl. Bydd angen i chi gysylltu â'ch bwrdd iechyd a gofyn am y brechlynnau, oherwydd eich bod yn ofalwr di-dâl.
Beth yw WE:THRIVE?
Mae Wellbeing Empowerment Through Holistic Recovery & Inclusive Vocational Engagement (WE:THRIVE) yn ddull gweithredu newydd i helpu pobl sydd â phroblemau iechyd meddwl yn ardal Caerdydd a’r Fro. Mae'r Gwasanaeth wedi'i fodelu ar fenter Lleoliad a Chymorth Unigol mewn Gofal Sylfaenol (IPSPC) San Steffan ac mae wedi'i wreiddio yn y timau trin iechyd meddwl.
Ein nod yw annog a chefnogi cyfranogwyr drwy fabwysiadu ymagwedd holistaidd at les ac adferiad trwy fanteisio ar waith sy’n seiliedig ar eu dymuniadau a'u cymhellion, gan arwain at ganlyniadau iechyd meddwl gwell. Mae'r gwasanaeth WE:THRIVE ar gyfer unrhyw un sydd eisiau cymorth i gael gwaith cystadleuol â thâl fel rhan o'u taith adfer.
Sut alla i gymryd rhan?
Er mwyn cymryd rhan, y cyfan sydd angen i chi ei wneud yn ystod eich apwyntiad nesaf gyda’ch Tîm Iechyd Meddwl Cymunedol yw gofyn a byddan nhw’n cymryd eich manylion.
Os nad ydych yn dymuno aros tan eich apwyntiad nesaf, cysylltwch â’ch Tîm Iechyd Meddwl Cymunedol a gofyn i gael eich atgyfeirio - gallant gymryd eich manylion dros y ffôn neu wyneb yn wyneb wrth ddesg y dderbynfa.
Os dymunwch, gallwch hefyd hunanatgyfeirio i'r gwasanaeth trwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.
Bydd rhywun o dîm IPSPC yn cysylltu â chi i ddechrau’r broses.
Ydych chi'n poeni am gost tymor y dathlu?
Mae gennym nifer o opsiynau cymorth a allai eich helpu i arbed ar eich bil dŵr.
R’yn ni yma i helpu
Ffoniwch ni i drafod eich opsiynau ar: 0800 052 0145
Ewch i’n gwefan i gael rhagor o fanylion: