Jock's Lodge improvement scheme October update
This newsletter will keep residents and those interested up to date with the progress of the Jock's Lodge improvement scheme, this edition includes an update on the preparation works in Skidby.
You can follow progress, view images and find the latest information on our website
Skidby preparation works
To prepare for the Jock's Lodge improvement scheme, the following works are taking place in Skidby:
- Moving the current bus stop on the A164 to a new location, making it easier for passengers to get to the bus stop.
- Constructing a new roundabout at the junction of Main Street and Beverley Road, Skidby.
Image: Aerial view of Skidby preparation works
Work on the new Skidby roundabout is progressing well, traffic management has now swapped to the southeast side of the junction.
The two biggest widening sections have now been completed with new kerbs, footpath, drainage and ducting. This has allowed the northern side of the junction to be opened for public use again. The same process has now started on the opposite side.
Currently the contractor is installing ducting for the new street lighting columns and starting to remove the existing footpath. Works on Mill Road have commenced to allow improvements to the street lighting and footpath/cycleway.
Overnight road closures are expected at the end of October, we will inform residents of dates closer to the time.
Image: works on the southern side of the roundabout
Nearby works
Willerby Roundabout Improvement Scheme