Partners and Stakeholders Newsletter
February 2024
This month we celebrate an exciting schools project, our recent Local COP event and an opportunity to get involved in Move More Cranbrook events.
We’ll always aim to keep these updates brief but if you’d like to know more, just look at our website or get in touch with us.
Live and Move has been working with St James School in Exeter as part of their enrichment programme - a chance for every pupil to try something that isn’t offered as part of the traditional curriculum. We work with local cycling charity Ride-On to support the school with their bike maintenance project, giving pupils the opportunity to learn all kinds of bike maintenance skills, from fixing a puncture and pumping up tyres, to more complicated issues such as repairing brake cables and other parts.
We visited the school just before Christmas. Read the story on our website, to find out more about this exciting piece of work.
You can also read more about this in the March edition of Exeter Living magazine which is out now.
Earlier this month, we enjoyed the company of many other delivery partners at a Local Community of Practice (COP) event. Just over 30 people attended, and we enjoyed some great discussions on issues such as the evaluation of Live and Move activities, Wellbeing Exeter, town planning in Cranbrook, experiences from Inclusive Exeter, and the beginnings of a great debate around female participation in physical activity.
We are currently planning the next local COP event which will take place towards the end of April. If you’d like to attend, please contact us and we’ll see you there.
Move More Cranbrook is on the hunt for volunteers to help deliver its exciting programme of events in 2024. Whether somebody can give a lot of time or a little, every little helps to ensure that the events are a success. The team is ideally looking for anybody who has experience of running or supporting events, and if you’ve got an interest in physical activity, that would be a bonus too!
Find out more about how to get involved, on our website.
And on the subject of Cranbrook, we’re delighted to have supported the development of a brand-new pump track in the town, which is proving to be very popular. Take a look at the story on the Move More Cranbrook Facebook page.
Live and Move supports the community of Wonford in the design of a new Wonford Community Wellbeing Hub. Residents in the area, along with sport centre users, are being invited to view & discuss the plans / designs at the following events:
- Thursday 7th March 2024 : 11:00am to 1:00pm at Wonford Community Centre
- Thursday 7th March 2024 : 6pm to 8pm at Wonford Leisure Centre
- Friday 8th March 2024 : 11:00am to 1:00pm at Wonford Community Centre
- Saturday 9th March 2024 : 11:00am to 1:00pm at Wonford Community Centre
If you are unable to attend the planned events, the display information will be available on the ‘This is Wonford’ website.
We were thrilled to have been shortlisted recently for the Civic category in the Exeter Living awards. We were nominated for our Inclusive Communities work, alongside Inclusive Exeter.
The award ceremony takes place in March. Watch this space to find out whether we’ve been successful or not and keep those fingers crossed for us!
Live and Move was thrilled to be able to support the recent Inclusive Exeter winter badminton tournament. 32 participants representing seven different nationalities took part in the tournament.
The overall winners were the Royal Bengal Tigers who beat KKPP at the last minute in a nail biting final. We loved watching these hugely talented players and are so pleased to have been able to offer our support to this exciting event.