The School Green Gym Project

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Welcome to…

our special bulletin to celebrate the end of

The School Green Gym Project

delivered in partnership with

The Conservation Volunteers (TCV).

CCLP - TCV - logo

The School Green Gym Project was delivered by The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) and took place between August 2021 and July 2023.

The project provided an alternative approach to exercise for school pupils across East Ayrshire.

Young people and their teachers were encouraged to take part in a programme of outdoor activities linked to the environment and practical conservation activities.

Despite a global pandemic, TCV worked in partnership with nine schools and their teaching staff to deliver 101 sessions, engaging with 302 pupils. 

The sessions provided teachers with increased knowledge and confidence to deliver outdoor sessions themselves for the future.

CCLP - TCV - School Green Gym - Pupils gardening

CCLP - TCV - School Green Gym - Thank you card

All of the CCLP team would like to say a massive THANK YOU to TCV staff Laura, Ali and Rosie for all their hard work on the project.

We would make you a card but there's no beating this one from the pupils!

Here are some of the project highlights.

CCLP - TCV - School Green Gym - Project Achievements

Primary 2 pupils from Dalmellington primary braved the rain to go digging for earthworms.

CCLP - TCV - School Green Gym - Bug Hunt

Pupils of P4 class at Patna primary looking at different bird nests that were brought in.

CCLP - TCV - School Green Gym - Birds Nest