MOT testing service updates: in more detail

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MOT testing service updates: in more detail

Following yesterday evening’s outage (Thursday 20 July), you’ll now notice that a couple of screens have changed.

This forms part of improvement works to the MOT testing service for those of you with an authorised examiner (AE) role.

1. AE (authorised examiner) ‘Service reports’ screen

This screen lets those of you with an AE designated manager or AE delegate role access management information for each your vehicle testing stations (VTSs).

You'll now see that:

  • we’ve replaced the test quality information link for AE designated manager and AE delegate roles with a link to the ‘Service reports’ screen
  • the VTSs that are associated to the AE have a link to test quality information and display details of current and previous site assessments

Please refer to the images below.

A gif showing the process for viewing service reports

Please note

Since the changeover to the MOT testing service, you may find that details of the previous site assessment aren’t currently available for every VTS.

Going forward, we’ll continue to introduce further improvements by adding links to the VTS test logs, testers’ annual assessment dates and VTS details screen.

2. Site assessments

You’ll also find that the ‘Vehicle testing station’ screen now displays details of both the current and the previous assessments (see image below).

This change will now show the difference between the assessment results and enable you to plan your quality management processes effectively.

Where you can find a new site reports section