Cost of Living News | 1 Sept 2023
Mailbox | Costofliving@dudley.gov.uk
Office of National Statistics | Cost of Living Latest Insights Tool |
Read the latest on the cost of living insights, by accessing the ONS Cost of Living Insights Tool. This shows the latest data and trends about the cost of living, where you can explore changes in the cost of everyday items and how this is affecting people.
Click "find out more" below to access
NCVO | Information about the National Lottery's Cost of Living Fund |
Are you applying for the National Lottery Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund?
On August 30th 2023 NCVO delivered a free Webinar to help you learn more about the government's new Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund.
If your organisation has been grappling with increased demand and costs due to the ongoing high inflation, this fund could be a significant source of support.
You can apply for between £10,000 and £75,000.
If you were unable to attend the Webinar please click below to view the whole webinar video.
NCVO Webinar | National Lottery Cost of Living Fund
If you would like to view the PDF version of the presentation with links to further information, please click "find out out more" below.
Black African Caribbean Community Celebration Event |
It's All About You | Free Health Event
Venue | The African Caribbean Community Centre | 5 Abberley Street, Dudley DY2 8QY.
Date | 30th September
Time | 12:00 - 16:00
Do you want to take charge of your health and wellbeing but don't know where to start ?
Why not join the Black African Caribbean Community Celebration Event and welcome in the start of Black History Month!
Find out more and Book your place by clicking "find out more" below.
Free Creative Personal Development Course from Dudley ACL |
This Creative Personal Development Course is free and is for learners who want to improve their skills for further learning, volunteering, or employment.
You can learn practical skills in arts and crafts, develop your social skills and plan how to achieve some of your personal goals. The course also offers practical arts and craft techniques with a therapeutic focus to support your mental wellbeing. The sessions offer timeout for personal rediscovery and reflection in friendly group sessions.
Each course runs for three hours a week over 10 consecutive weeks.
For more information, please call Adult and Community Learning on 01384 818143 or email: acl@dudley.gov.uk
DHSC Suicide Prevention Grant Fund 2023-2025
DHSC has launched a £10m Suicide Prevention VCSE Grant Fund for 2023/24 and 2024/25, to support suicide prevention activities delivered in England by non-profit organisations.
The application period remains open until 1st October. Applications must be made online via the Find a Grant portal Suicide Prevention Grant Fund 2023-2025 - GOV-UK Find a grant (find-government-grants.service.gov.uk) unless exceptional circumstances apply.
Guidance can be found using the link above, providing further details of the objectives of the fund, the eligibility criteria, and details on the application process itself.
DHSC will also be holding "Meet the Funder" webinars for potential applicants to answer any questions.
To sign up, please contact the team at SuicidePreventionGrant@dhsc.gov.uk
To find out more about the fund, please click below.
Connecting Older People Fund |
Do you have an idea for a project that will help older people get out and about, meet up with friends and make new ones? If so, join our networking and funding event to help you get it started !
Community groups across the Dudley borough can apply for a small amount of funding and support to help start a NEW project. Contact us to discuss your idea. We will help you develop it. You’ll then be invited to attend an event to share your idea with the community on Thursday 19 October 2023.
Deadline for your idea submission is Sunday 8 October 2023.
Find out more by contacting the Healthy Ageing Team | Dudley Public Health.
Phone: 01384 816437 Email: healthyageing@dudley.gov.uk
Credit Union Grime Video from Stop Loan Sharks ! |
Stop Loan Sharks, working in partnership with other organisations are promoting a credit union video for young people | Take a look below.
If you are working with someone who you think is the victim of a Loan Shark click "find out more" below to find out how you can refer to their service for support, guidance or help.
Best value school uniform, shoes and other child related support. |
Dudley CVS | Latest News
Discover local news, developments, events, opportunities and lots more. Find out more below.
Castle & Crystal Credit Union |