Welcome to the latest Community Council Newsletter.
Our new Community Councils!
83 new Community Councils consisting of a total of 645 Community Councillors assumed office at 8am on Friday, 4 October 2024, with the First Meetings of all the newly established Community Councils completed within the required timescale of two calendar months from the date of the election. Well done!
Dumfries and Galloway Council greatly values you all and is immensely grateful for your co-operation to get all this done so smoothly.
The commitment to their locality ensures that the people across our large rural region are engaged at grass roots level, able to feed in their views to public sector partners and build their future through developing Local Place Plans.
Community Councils work closely with Council Services, private, third and other public sector partners, delivering award winning initiatives, for example community resilience and town enhancements.
The large number of Community Councils in our region and high satisfaction levels evidence a mutually beneficial and sustainable partnership.
We want to hear your feedback - from individuals and Community Councils - about your experience of the Elections and First Meetings and suggestions for improvements, so early in the new year we will send out a short questionnaire.
In the meantime, our thanks to each and every one of you who have worked with us, over these last six months in particular, to get our new Community Councils in place; and we look forward to seeing you in the Induction Training sessions next year.
Launch of new style "My CC" webpages
Please find the link to the new style and format ‘My CC’ webpages. The webpages include contact details, meeting information, as well as boundary maps for all 83 established Community Councils along with some additional links to other useful information for Community Councils.
Dumfries and Galloway Council - dumgalrefresh Home Page
In addition to the information available, we would be happy to include links to any individual Community Council websites, so if this is something that you would like us to include then please forward the link to us at Community.Councils@dumgal.gov.uk.
Community Council Enquiry Service
Enquiry Service Festive Opening times:
Dumfries and Galloway Council Enquiry Service closes at 4pm on Tuesday 24th December 2024 and re-opens at 10am on Friday 03rd January 2025. Please note that any enquiries received during this period will not be logged until the Service re-opens.
If your Enquiry is of an urgent nature, please email contact@dumgal.gov.uk, it will be logged with the Contact Centre and assigned to the appropriate department / service / lead officer.
If your Enquiry is of an emergency, please call 030 33 33 3000.
Additional information can also be found on the D&G website Festive opening times and service changes - Dumfries and Galloway Council
We are delighted you continue to use this system to raise any issues or concerns within your areas and we hope that you have seen an improvement in the speed and quality of responses to your enquiries. The first six months of financial 24/25 we received 203 Community Council Enquiries submitted to the Service (CCES). The top three themes during this period were Roads, Community Asset and Planning & Development. To ensure that this continues, can we please ask for your support with the provision of the most up to date name and email address of your preferred contact. The preferred contact can be any member of your Community Council – they are responsible for submitting all CCES enquiries on behalf of the Community Council and will receive all responses sent by Dumfries and Galloway Council. Please submit your most up to date contact information to Community.Councils@dumgal.gov.uk and CCESMailbox@dumgal.gov.uk following which we will update the CCES contact information accordingly.
The results and our progress relating to the Enquiry Service Annual Satisfaction Survey 2023
Our Annual Satisfaction Survey for 2023 results have been included in Phase 4 of the Enquiry Service Improvement Plan. We have provided an update below in relation to the “You Said, We Will Do” actions contained in the attached 2023 Survey results document.
System Improvements – A review of the online training programme is taking place. The guidance has been developed to include how to add attachments to emails from the Enquiry Service System and this will be made available in early 2025.
Quality of Response – We are developing Case Studies to include in the online training for Lead Officers and this will be made available in early 2025.
Issue Resolution Timescales – We have reviewed our system automated emails, and the improved version have now been actioned.
Other – We are exploring further digital solutions which may provide an opportunity to create an online app or portal.
Enquiry Service Annual Satisfaction Survey 2024
As a Council we are always looking for ways to improve the service that we deliver, so we carry out an Annual Satisfaction Survey to ask about the different aspects of our support to you. You will receive the survey notification by email this week. Please take part in the survey and let us know how we are doing.
The survey is open until Friday 14th February 2025.
We are keen to ensure that the Enquiry Service continues to provide you with an effective and efficient service, which meets your requirements. We are delighted that you continue to use this system to raise any issues or concerns within your areas and we hope that you have seen an improvement in the speed and quality of responses to your enquiries.
New Customer Defect Reporting System
Our new Customer Defect Reporting System (CDR System) went live on October 23, 2024, following the successful launch of our updated roads asset management IT system.
Developed with the help of the council’s Digital Experience Project team, our focus has been on creating a straightforward, user-friendly tool for reporting road defects. The new CDR system allows you to quickly report issues like potholes, flooding, drainage problems, and streetlight faults through a simple online form. Reporting a problem takes a matter of seconds; just click the button on our webpage and fill out the form. The CDR system marks a big step forward in improving how we engage with our customers.
Key benefits of the Customer Defect Reporting System to customers are:
Real-time map tool: Check out a live map of known road issues to help you easily identify and report defects.
Informative responses: Automated responses now provide more detailed updates about repair plans and progress.
New info on our website: We’ve refreshed our pages with details about how we decide which repairs take priority and guidance on reporting problems with assets we don’t handle.
Next Steps: Exclusivity of CDR System
To streamline operations and enhance the customer experience, the CDR system will become the sole platform for reporting defects related to roads, pavements, footpaths, and cycleways. In preparation for this change a six-week transition period will begin effective from 16 December 2024.
Thereafter from 27 January 2025: -
- All defect reports must be submitted through the CDR system.
- Defect reports submitted via the Enquiry Service will no longer be actioned. Automated responses will now direct users to the CDR system, providing the necessary link to report defects online.
We would very much appreciate Community Councils support in promoting the use of the CDR system. We ask that you please encourage your local communities to report any defects through the CDR system and, where possible, to provide their email address so they can receive updates on their reports.
We remind users that all reported defects are categorised and prioritised for repair based on a number factors which affect the risk to road users – it should be noted that this does not include the number of reports received for a single defect.
To report a defect, simply visit our website and click Roads, footpaths and pavements | Dumfries and Galloway Council
 Multiply – Reminder of Service
Free, user-friendly help with maths is available in Dumfries and Galloway.
Did you know that half the working-age population in the UK have primary-school level maths skills? If this sounds like you, read on….
A free programme of maths tuition and support for adults (19+) is now available in Dumfries and Galloway. Help will be available by accessing tailored one-to-one support, learn how to include maths in your kid’s or grandkid’s play or get help managing your money and coping with debt. For more information, to register an interest and to have somebody contact you to chat about this, simply e-mail Multiply@dumgal.gov.uk.
Dumfries and Galloway Council Budget Consultation
Thank you for taking part in Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Budget Consultation 2025/26
We have gathered views from citizens, employees, customers, and partners. This will now be reported to Elected Members on Thursday 12th December, and will inform the decisions made at our annual budget meeting in late February 2025.
You can view the report and associated appendices at the following link. It is item 5 on the agenda: Agenda for Dumfries and Galloway Council on Thursday, 12th December, 2024, 10.30 am - Dumfries and Galloway Council
The full detail of the consultation feedback, including every comment received in the survey, focus groups and other methods, has been provided to Elected Members. It will be published on the council’s website in due course.
Thank you for taking the time to have your say.
Budget Engagement Working Group
Place Plans Update
The recently published Development Plan Scheme sets out the various stages in preparing the Local Development Plan 3, along with a timetable for each stage. Local Place Plans are an important part of the plan preparation process with the council required to take them into account when preparing the Local Development Plan. To ensure that happens, a Local Place Plan will need to have been registered or be able to be registered by July 2025.
If you have any questions about Local Place Plans please have a look at the council’s webpage or send an email to communityempowerment@dumgal.gov.uk
Supporting our Communities
We're working with our partners to tackle poverty in the region and support our priority of protecting the most vulnerable people. We have made a strong commitment to tackling poverty.
We want to:
- prevent people from falling into poverty
- support people who are currently in poverty
- provide assistance to people to help them get out of poverty
Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership
Equipment for You has been commissioned by Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership. It’s a self-help website that offers free impartial advice about equipment that could help make daily living easier – maximising independence.
People can use it themselves (or with the support of their carers/families) to access a list of equipment, specific to their needs, that they may wish to buy. It complements, but doesn’t replace, the existing free equipment loan services.
It can be accessed here: equipmentforyou.livingmadeeasy.org.uk.
Community Resilience
Community Council resilience team
We already have a number of Community Council resilience teams throughout the region but there are still some Community Council areas without one. For those wishing to either establish a new resilience team or update their current resilience plan, we have introduced a quick-start process that includes a template, guidance notes and we can support you with the all-important insurance cover.
Community Resilience is vitally important in preparation and response to emergencies of various types – extreme weather, power cuts etc. There are a number of useful resources available on the Community Resilience pages of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s website
Support is available by contacting your local Ward Officer.
For additional information on creating a plan visit Ready Scotland.
Completed forms should be returned to SupportDG@dumgal.gov.uk.
Home Emergency Lifesaving Plan
The council’s community resilience team is currently rolling out a new initiative focussed on safety within your home.
Emergencies for example disruption to essential services, electricity, gas and water, can affect our everyday lives. A HELP can be used as a vital tool in your household (or to help another family member who does not live with you) to be prepared in an emergency situation. Having a HELP means all the important contact information, help, advice and action to take is all in one place, making life easier in an emergency situation, allowing you to respond safely and quickly.
 Trunk Road Works
A free roadwork alert service is available. Sign up using the button below.
Dumfries and Galloway Council welcomes your feedback and holds public consultations and information days so that you can take part in decisions that affect you. For more information, visit: www.dumgal.gov.uk/consultations.
Scottish Government also provide advice on engagement.
The Scottish Government has launched a new consultation as part of its National Speed Management Review, examining the potential effects of changes to speed limits across Scotland.
This consultation invites feedback on proposals to lower the national speed limit on single carriageway roads from 60 mph to 50 mph and to increase speed limits for goods vehicles exceeding 7.5 tonnes on single carriageways from 40 mph to 50 mph and dual carriageways from 50 mph to 60 mph.
The review supports Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030 and seeks to ensure speed limits are appropriate and help contribute to a reduction in injury and death on Scotland’s roads.
The consultation closes on 5 March 2025.
 Windfarm Update
Contact James Parker at James.Parker@dumgal.gov.uk.
Windfarm Community Benefit Funds
Upcoming application deadlines to be aware of:
- ANCBC main fund – March 2025 (Annandale & Nithsdale)
- Clyde Windfarm – January 2025 then July 2025 (North-East of Region)
- Kilgallioch Fund – February 2025 (West of region)
- Ewe Hill Fund – 31st January 2025 (Annandale & Eskdale)
- D&G Regionwide Community Fund – April 2025 (Regionwide)
The National Lottery Community Fund Scotland has launched two new funding programmes – Community Action and Fairer Life Chances – which are now open to applications.
Community Action will support community activities that bring communities together to improve wellbeing and develop positive relationships within those communities. Projects should help people connect with each other and/or the environment. The definition of community is being broadened for this fund to include people who share an identity, interest or experience, as well as people living in the same place. You can apply for funding between £20,001 and £250,000 for up to five years.
Fairer Life Chances is for projects providing services that support children, young people and families, or that help people to be healthier or have better access to support. You can apply for funding between £20,001 to £500,000 for up to five years.
Both funds are ongoing, meaning you can submit your application at any time. Find out more about all the funding available in Scotland and how to apply on the National Lottery Community Fund Scotland website.
 Licencing Update
Statement of Principles
Dumfries and Galloway Licensing Boards are seeking views on their current Statement of Principles.
Licensing Authorities must prepare and publish, every three years, a Statement of Principles that they propose to apply in exercising their functions under the Gambling Act 2005. The present statement came into effect on 31 January 2021 and requires to be renewed by 31 January 2025.
In preparation of the new statement, the boards are consulting on the terms of the current Statement of Principles with a wide range of persons and organisations including:
the Chief Constable
- persons and organisations who represent local gambling businesses
- persons and organisations who represent the interests of persons likely to be affected by the exercise of the Licensing Authorities’ gambling licensing functions
- statutory agencies.
The Statement of Principles should conform to the statutory requirements and take into account the most recent guidance issued by the Gambling Commission. It also sets down an outline of the Gambling Licensing System and the Boards’ role within that system. Central to this is the promotion of the 3 Licensing Objectives:
- preventing gambling from being a source of crime or disorder, being associated with crime or disorder, or being used to support crime;
- ensuring that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way; and
- protecting children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling.
Formal notification of the consultation will be issued to Community Councils in due course.
 Training Sessions
Dumfries and Galloway Council provides training sessions for all Community Councillors with the governance document, The Amended Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils in Dumfries and Galloway being the chief focus of the training. Contact the Community Council mailbox to arrange a training session Community.Councils@dumgal.gov.uk
General Data Protection Regulations Scheme Section 2.5.9
Information Commissioner’s Office – has your Community Council registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) yet? Signed up for the free newsletter? Need more information on this? Visit the Information Commissioners Office now.
Ward officers can provide support with community engagement, community empowerment, community development and community planning.
Community Council Resources
A set of guidance documents for Community Councils have been published by the Improvement Service, Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC), COSLA and the Scottish Government.
The documents include a Model Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils and Good Practice Guidance for how Community Councils should operate, and SCDC have provided British Sign Language, Easy Read, Braille, Large Print, Audio and Gaelic versions of these valuable resources. The Good Practice Guidance is designed to be a living document, with scope for additions and edits to be made in response to changes in circumstances. A dedicated email address has been set up for Community Councils and Community Council Liaison Officers (CCLOs) to submit suggested changes to the document at scottishccsuggestionbox@improvementservice.org.uk
Youth Council
Why not take the opportunity to invite your Youth Councillors along to your Community Council meeting to find out how you can work in partnership. Click on the link below and make that connection with your Youth Councillors.
National Support
Scottish Community Council Newsletter – access the free subscription newsletter from the Scottish Government Improvement service. Packed with information, news and funding opportunities Scottish Community Councils website: Scottishccs@improvementservice.org.uk
The Scottish Government Community Council website is for anyone interested in community councils. The site has up to date information on news, events, guidance and grants as well as advice on how to be a Community Councillor. Check out the help and support section: www.communitycouncils.scot
Local Support
The Dumfries and Galloway Council Community Council mailbox is administered by council staff. Send in your agendas and minutes to comply with the scheme – Role of Secretary, section 6.5 or just get in touch with us and we will ensure a prompt response Community.Councils@dumgal.gov.uk
CCESCommunities@dumgal.gov.uk A Dumfries and Galloway Council operated enquiry service. Send your request to the CCES mailbox in connection with any council delivered service.
Report it www.dumgal.gov.uk/reportit
Click on Report it and view the options available which includes reporting potholes, missed bins collection and many more.
Police Scotland
Police Scotland Community Policing Team are available to attend any events or meetings which are taking place across the Division that could provide reassurance and support to local communities and partners. Contact the relevant area at NithsdaleCPT@Scotland.police.uk AnnandaleandEskdaleCPT@Scotland.police.uk StewartryCPT@Scotland.police.uk WigtownCPT@Scotland.police.uk
Online Platforms
Many Community Councils have Facebook pages and X (formerly Twitter) accounts to keep their communities informed and involved. Dumfries and Galloway Council also has Facebook and X pages that are updated regularly with news, information and contact details.
Funding Support
www.tsdg.org.uk sign up for a free, information packed Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway weekly funding newsletter, attend free workshops and request support from dedicated TSDG officers who support the Third sector in your area.
www.dumgal.gov.uk/funding Our council also has a range of funding available from our area committees’ discretionary fund, tackling poverty and inequalities fund and other funding streams.
www.communitycouncils.scot For national funding available, contact the Scottish Community Council website.