50 Years of Community Councils
Information on new resources for Community Councils and local authorities which were published on 12th October are now available online and in easy read format. The documents, which includes a Good Practice Guidance for Community Councils, were launched by Tom Arthur MSP, Minister for Community Wealth and Public Finance and COSLA’s Community Wellbeing Spokesperson, Cllr Maureen Chalmers.
Community Council Update
Webpage Refresh
The Community Council webpages and frequently asked questions section contain general information on Community Councils, specific information for Community Councillors and those interested in getting involved
Casual Vacancy Election Update
Under the terms of the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils in Dumfries and Galloway, a Casual Vacancy Election is a method whereby Community Councils can fill vacancies between Ordinary Elections, without disruption to Community Council business. Community Councillors elected as a result of this process will form part of the quorum.
Use button below to find out more
Training Sessions
Dumfries and Galloway Council provide training sessions for all Community Councillors with the governance document, The Amended Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils in Dumfries and Galloway being the chief focus of the training. Contact the Community Council Mailbox for further support in arranging a training session for your Community Council Community.Councils@dumgal.gov.uk
 Armed Forces Update
Remembrance Sunday
Remembrance Sunday services and Wreath Laying ceremonies have taken place at war memorials and faith venues across our region to remember and honour all those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Among those in attendance were Council Leader Gail Macgregor, Convener Malcolm Johnstone, Armed Forces Champion Cllr Archie Dryburgh MBE, and Provost of Dumfries Cllr Maureen Johnstone.
Mennock Memorial in Upper Nithsdale
A poppy skirt completed by Shona Johnstone and the very talented local crafters can be viewed at Mennock Memorial
Place Plans
Local Place Plans (LPPs) are community produced plans that express the aspirations and ambitions for their area. The Council and its partners will provide support to groups who wish to produce LPPs with the pages below providing guidance. This is a new process and guidance will be updated to reflect changing circumstances.
Local Place Plans - Dumfries and Galloway Council (dumgal.gov.uk)
National My Place Awards celebrate projects and people that work to improve places and communities in Scotland. The Scottish Civic Trust My Place Awards have two categories Community-led Projects and Community Champions
The My Place Awards are a great opportunity to showcase a project's success to the community, stakeholders and funders by receiving much-deserved exposure and media attention, as well as thank community members for their hard work and dedication to their local place. Entries to the My Place Awards 2024 can be made via the My Place Scotland website. deadline 14 January 2024.
Community Councillors can join our free webinar on 21 November 2023 and learn more about how to prepare a Place Plan and view some examples that have already been created by communities.
Customer Services and Library Survey 2023
“We’d love to hear from you! As a service we are continually working towards ensuring services reflect current and future customer needs, are sustainable, and are delivered within the allocated budgets.
We're working with our partners to tackle poverty in the region and support our priority of protecting the most vulnerable people. We have made a strong commitment to tackling poverty.
We want to:
- prevent people from falling into poverty
- support people who are currently in poverty
- provide assistance to people to help them get out of poverty.
Digital Devices Grants Available
Community Learning and Device Fund Accepting Applications for 2023 Funding Round
Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is offering grants of up to £15,000 for charities, voluntary and community groups, social enterprises, and other CDL organisations in Scotland to purchase digital devices that support learning activities.
Through the Community Learning and Device Fund, provided by the Scottish Government, funding can be used to purchase digital devices such as:
- Laptops
- Tablets
- Monitors
- Cameras
- Mi-fi dongles (hardware only, not data)
Any monies awarded must be spent in full by 31 March 2024.
Community Resilience
Community resilience - SupportDG - Dumfries and Galloway Council (dumgal.gov.uk)
Starting a new Community Council resilience team
We have Community council resilience teams throughout the region but there are still some Community Council areas without one. To help you establish a resilience team, we have introduced a quick-start process with a template, guidance and the all-important insurance cover.
Community Resilience Template 2021 (Word doc) [2MB] (opens new window)
Key Insurance Information template (Word doc) [173KB] (opens new window)
GDPR Advice - Supporting Vulnerable Residents and Information Storage (PDF) [162KB] (opens new window)
Support is available by contacting your local Ward Officer
For additional information on creating a plan visit Ready Scotland
Completed forms should be returned to SupportDG@dumgal.gov.uk
 Trunk Road Works
A free roadwork alert service is available. Sign up using the button below.
 Castle Kennedy Fundraising for Defibrillators
Recently re-established Castle Kennedy Community Council have been busy fundraising to secure the installation of 2 defibrillators in the community. Proving a very popular community engagement event, Castle Kennedy are now looking at their options to secure external funding to meet the needs of the community.
Royal Burgh of Sanquhar and District Consulting the Community
Page 12 of the Nithsdale Times details the recent meeting between Health Board officials and members of Sanquhar Community Council. Read the article in more detail here Facebook
Taking advantage of free training sessions has helped members of Castle Kennedy and Kirkmaiden Community Councils increase their awareness of the role, responsibility and the procedures Community Councils follow in supporting their local community. Sessions were delivered in the early evening at local venues in Castle Kennedy and Drummore and feedback from participants is very positive. Contact the mailbox, Community.Councils@dumgal.gov.uk if you would like your Community Council to host a training session delivered by officers from Dumfries and Galloway Council.
DGC welcome your feedback and hold public consultations and information days so that you can take part in decisions that affect you. Current open consultations of particular interest to Community Councils include the following:-
Have your say on Democracy Matters
People across Scotland are being asked to suggest ways of increasing local control over decision-making as phase two of Democracy Matters is launched. This second part of the national conversation will give people the opportunity to come together in their communities and funding up to £300 is available to help with the costs of hosting local events.
 Windfarm Update
Contact James Parker at James.Parker@dumgal.gov.uk
Application deadlines to be aware of:
- ANCBC main fund 1st December 2023 (Annandale & Nithsdale)
- Clyde Windfarm 12th January 2024 (North-East of Region)
- Kilgallioch Fund February 2024 (West of region)
- Ewe Hill Fund 31st January 2024 (Annandale & Eskdale)
- D&G Regionwide Community Fund – Spring 2024 (Regionwide)
Annandale and Nithsdale Community Benefit Company (ANCBC)
In 2022/23, ANCBC received an annual donation from ScottishPower Renewables the owner of Harestanes Windfarm of £367,975.83 ANCBC has continued to award grants through the main fund. We have seen an increase this year in applications and numbers of awards made which reflects how communities are continuing to recover from the pandemic.
ANCBC is seeking new board members for the East, West and South areas. Please click director recruitment information Director recruitment information Autumn 2023 for more information about becoming an ANCBC director.
 Planning and Licencing Update
Call For Ideas
Scotland’s new National Planning Improvement Champion is calling for ideas on what a high-performing planning system looks like and what impact it has.
Planning authorities and service users are being asked to respond to three questions:
- What are the outcomes we need the planning system to deliver to have impact?
- What makes a high-performing planning authority?
- How can we measure this?
Follow Scottish Government Planning and Architecture Division
Online application service: eDevelopment.scot
Licensing - Short Term Lets www.dumgal.gov.uk/licensing
The Scottish Government has introduced Short Term Lets Licensing under legislation approved by the Scottish Parliament in January 2021.
Update - Due to the upcoming deadline for existing hosts to apply for a Short Term Lets licence by 1 October 2023 the Council is experiencing a high volume of queries. Existing hosts who submitted their applications and have paid their fees by 1st October 2023 can continue to operate until their application is determined, new hosts require to be licensed before operating. We would be grateful if applicants did not contact us for progress updates.
 88 Community Councils are now established across the 12 Wards within Dumfries and Galloway. Please ensure your Community Council details are up to date and notify us of any changes at Community.Councils@dumgal.gov.uk
Information Commissioner’s Office www.ico.org.uk - has your Community Council registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) yet? Signed up for the free newsletter? Need more information on this? Visit the Information Commissioners Office now www.ico.org.uk
WARD OFFICERS can provide support with community engagement, community empowerment, community development and community planning.
YOUTH COUNCIL Why not take the opportunity to invite your Youth Councillors along to your Community Council meeting to find out how you can work in partnership. Click on the link below and make that connection with your Youth Councillors.
Scottish Community Council Newsletter - Access the free subscription newsletter from the Scottish Government Improvement service. Packed with information, news and funding opportunities Scottish Community Councils Website Scottishccs@improvementservice.org.uk
The Scottish Government Community Council website is for anyone interested in community councils. The site has up to date information on news, events, guidance and grants as well as advice on how to be a Community Councillor. Check out the help and support section www.communitycouncils.scot
The DGC Community Council mailbox is administered by Dumfries and Galloway personnel. Send in your Agendas and Minutes to comply with the scheme – Role of Secretary, section 6.5 or just get in touch with us and we will ensure a prompt response Community.Councils@dumgal.gov.uk
CCESCommunities@dumgal.gov.uk A Dumfries and Galloway Council operated enquiry service. Send your request to the CCES mailbox in connection with any DGC delivered service.
REPORT IT www.dumgal.gov.uk/reportit
click on Report it and view the options available which includes reporting potholes, missed bins collection and many more.
Police Scotland Community Policing Team are available to attend any events or meetings which are taking place across the Division that could provide reassurance and support to local communities and partners. Contact the relevant area at NithsdaleCPT@Scotland.police.uk AnnandaleandEskdaleCPT@Scotland.police.uk StewartryCPT@Scotland.police.uk WigtownCPT@Scotland.police.uk
Many Community Councils have Facebook pages and Twitter accounts to keep their communities involved. Dumfries and Galloway Council also have Facebook and Twitter pages which are updated regularly with news, information and contact details. Click on the icons for Facebook and Twitter to find out more.
www.tsdg.org.uk sign up for a free, information packed Third Sector Dumfries & Galloway weekly funding newsletter
www.dumgal.gov.uk/funding Our council also has a range of funding available from our area committees’ discretionary fund, tackling poverty and inequalities fund and other funding streams.
www.communitycouncils.scot For national funding available, contact the Scottish Community Council Website