An introduction from the Head Teacher, Phil Cubbon
Welcome to the new Dumfries High School project update. We will be sending you regular updates to keep you informed with what is happening with the project.
It is an exciting time ahead as we complete the second phase of the Dumfries Learning Town project, working towards completion of the Dumfries High School in 2025.
Architects appointed
Ryder Architecture Limited has been appointed as the successful design team for the new build of Dumfries High School. The company were appointed following a robust tendering process including presentations to Council officers and the Head Teacher last month.
Ryder Architecture, who were named architecture practice of the year in 2021, come with a wealth of experience and knowledge in creating schools across Scotland. They are currently involved with the design of 16 different schools across the country.
Ryder Architecture has already started a series of consultation workshops involving primary pupils, high school pupils, staff and stakeholders. The purpose is to gather a range of views on the current school environment and facilities, what they would like from new school and the extended possibilities. These views will feed into the design proposals from Ryder.
There will be more information about the consultation workshops in the next emailed update.