Active Communities Dumfries and Galloway

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Active Communities Dumfries and Galloway

Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Active Communities programme offers a wide variety of community classes designed to encourage and support adults (18+) to be more physically active.

Many classes include strength and balance activities to help people stay stronger for longer. The programme is available in towns and village halls across the region, with example classes being Stroll in the Park, Gentle Movement and Easiobics. 

Classes are fun, friendly with small, supportive groups where activities can be adapted to suit different fitness levels, so people can work at their own pace. They are suitable for people who are inactive and/or have one or more long term conditions. 

Highly qualified Active Communities Instructors will be there to greet you on arrival and help you get started then stay motivated in your favourite activities. Post activity refreshments are available at most sessions so participants can have catch up over a tea or coffee and/or ask the instructors for advice and support.

Start to get activity information direct to you by signing up to the Active Communities Topic

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For more information in Active Communities please click here