Social Work Services Staff Update 4 – 24 April 2020

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Social Work Services Staff Update
4 – 24 April 2020


Access Team

Our Access team are our front door and provide a confident and professional first impression that we are all extremely proud of. Alongside this, they are always trying to enhance their service and are key in many areas of development. During this pandemic the Access Team is focusing on critical service delivery to ensure the most vulnerable and those in need are triaged efficiently to the most appropriate service.  This might be the Community Hub or Social Work Services, or can include awareness raising and signposting to other local COVID-19 initiatives.  The Access Team are working alongside the Shielding Team, with Access Team proactively contacting individuals who do not meet Shielding criteria but identified by partner agencies as being at increased risk as result of COVID-19.  If there are protection concerns referrals are passed to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), a team of Police, Health and Social Work staff for further screening and decision making.  Due to social distancing requirements and to ensure staff safety, the team are working from various office-based locations as well as working from home.  Volunteers from other social work teams are supporting the Access Team when required to ensure continued responsive and reliable front door service provision.

shielding team


Our newly formed Shielding team has exceeded our expectations and are delivering fantastic outcomes in ensuring our most vulnerable are receiving support. The contribution of colleagues from across a range of Council services has been incredible, particularly as this is an area of work that is completely new to them.  Our duty teams are often the first response to our most complex and vulnerable people, their skills and resilience supports early intervention and prevention. They also enhance the work of the Shielding team by supporting people with complex mental health or intellectual disabilities.

Multi Agency Tasking and Coordinating and Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences

MATACs (Multi Agency Tasking and Coordinating) meetings were set up by Police Scotland to tackle high risk domestic abuse Perpetrators who pose significant harm. They are held four weekly and are Chaired by Police Scotland with attendance from key partners across Dumfries and Galloway

During the current pandemic MATACs will continue to be held using teleconferencing. Any referrals should be made by contacting Police Scotland via or by  telephoning the local Domestic Abuse Investigation Unit on 01387 242353.

MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences) bring together professionals from a variety of agencies to develop a safety plan to reduce the risk to victims of domestic abuse who are at risk of serious harm or murder. MARACs are held every four weeks and referrals are made due to high risk escalation or professional judgement. MARAC will continue and referrals should still be made, or further information requested,  by contacting the MARAC Coordinator at or by  telephoning the local Domestic Abuse Investigation Unit on 01387 242353

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Exceptional Child Protection Registrations

The Chair and Vice Chairs of Dumfries and Galloway Public Protection Committee have considered the impact of COVID19 on the existing child protection case conference and registration process. It has been agreed that to ensure the continued protection of children and young people that an interim set of arrangements are needed for this process.

This is in line with National Child Protection Guidance:

“We are likely to see a rise in child protection concerns and child protection caseloads due to the impacts of the pandemic on families and wider society. New stresses arising from Early Learning and Childcare, school and business closures, family confinement and isolation alongside physical and psychological health impacts, could be a trigger for abuse and neglect. High stress home environments will increase the likelihood of domestic abuse. We must also be alert to signs that individuals or groups are using the pandemic as an opportunity for criminal or sexual exploitation of children. This is occurring at a time when children will be less visible to a range of professionals who are normally engaged with them and when services and practitioners working with children are under acute pressure.

The rights of children do not alter during this pandemic, and nor do professional responsibilities in relation to child protection.”

It is these issues that led to the consideration to have a system in place in Dumfries and Galloway where some children’s names require to be placed on the Child Protection Register Under exceptional circumstance. The guidelines for these have been shared amongst partners and front-line workers

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Staff Webinars

The communication cell will be hosting staff webinars over the coming months, with the first took place on Thursday 23rd April and provided the opportunity for staff to take part in a question and answer session. Hopefully some of you managed to register for the webinar and take part.  If not, look out for future webinars and register to join.  Future webinars will focus on staff health and wellbeing and working arrangements such as leave and sickness absence.

The communications cell will share information in advance of the webinar letting you know how to join in.

A series of webinars will also be taking place targeted at children, young people and parents. These will focus on the following topics:

  • Exams
  • Online resources and staying safe
  • Informal learning
  • Sharing worries
  • Children’s rights
  • Care Experienced young people and Young Carers
  • Helping each other
  • 16+ tenancy
  • How to support children’s learning

The webinars will be hosted weekly and run up to the start of the school Summer holidays.

New Ways of Working

Adult social work teams have been working extremely hard to ensure our finite resources are directed toward our most vulnerable and that safeguarding people from harm remains our focus and priority. Their dedication, resilience and commitment are commendable, and we continue to be extremely grateful for all their efforts.

Our Mental Health Officers have been working on an increased basis as a consequence of COVID19 but more importantly are learning to work in a slightly different manner in accordance to changes in legislation whilst still fulfilling statutory duties; working closely with health colleagues and finding alternate ways to support vulnerable adults and their families.

Our Criminal Justice team are busy preparing for some of the measures introduced in the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 20, and others that may be used if required.  Some of the key measures of the Act are to ensure the justice system can deliver essential services.

Justice are also working with our partners in NHS specialist drug and alcohol team to identify those who may be vulnerable and ensuring they have access to services and support.

Our Children Families and Youth Justice Teams Children and families social work staff continue to ensure vulnerable children and their families receive the support and protection they need in these challenging times.

Our management information team are supporting many vital areas of work that includes, cross referencing our shielding information to ensure we capture all our vulnerable groups. Fast tracking payments to our providers to ensure they can retain fiscal obligations, providing daily data updates right across the health and social care partnership. We absolutely recognise their valuable contributions and expertise.

Scottish Social Services Council

The SSSC have created a new page on their website focusing specifically on COVID-19. The page covers changes to registration, health and wellbeing, guidance and resources. You can access this new page here: SSSC COVID19

They have also produced a new resource to support social workers dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. It will be particularly useful for social workers returning to front line services, those joining the temporary social worker register and others redeployed to a different role than usual. Visit the resource here.

Scottish Social Services Council

The SSSC have created a new page on their website focusing specifically on COVID-19. The page covers changes to registration, health and wellbeing, guidance and resources. You can access this new page here: SSSC COVID19

They have also produced a new resource to support social workers dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. It will be particularly useful for social workers returning to front line services, those joining the temporary social worker register and others redeployed to a different role than usual. Visit the resource here.

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Business Support

Our supporting service manager is working tirelessly to coordinate PPE for our staff and coordinating the flexible working arrangements for our business support staff. The business support team have had to adapt quickly to changing demands and have volunteered to become involved in many different aspects of priority areas within the service with some examples including system and process changes for our new method of child protection registration; updating of systems in support of our Shielding Team; call handling for The Shielding Team and Access to Services Team and file reading for the Child Abuse Inquiry. 

The vital contribution made both by the supporting service manager and by all our business support colleagues cannot be underestimated and is one of the firm pillars of our successes.

Our domestic cleaning colleagues have never played such a vital role and have never been as important, we absolutely appreciate their efforts to support our safety in the workplace.

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