We have one more planned focus session so please sign up if you haven’t already and suggest other topics you would like us to cover in future sessions
- Employer Responsibilities and Ill Health Retirements - 10th July 2024, 10.30-11.30am - Gavin Paul from Barnet Waddingham, who are the Fund Actuary for both the Devon and Somerset Pension Funds, will be a guest speaker presenting alongside our own Mark Griffin.
If you employ a Returning Officer, please could you email the Employer & Communications team confirming their full name, National Insurance Number, your employer name and Altair number (00123 for example) along with whether or not they are paying into the LGPS in that role.
This is an annual exercise we run to ensure the records we hold are correct so we would be grateful if you could respond by 31st July 2024.
We are still receiving old versions of the leaver spreadsheet so please make sure you are using the latest version V6.43 as this has all the required data we need you to provide. Older versions will be accepted for this month but will be rejected for July leavers – all employers would have been sent the latest version but if you need another copy, please email the Employer & Communications Team.
We would just like to express our thanks for the annual returns this year, as we believe they have been the best one yet!
When contacting us or sending us your pension data and forms, please make sure you use the correct mailboxes so that the information goes to the correct team to deal with:
Keep us updated with any changes in staff responsible for completing our forms (authorised signatories). This can be done by completing our online form.
Payment of Pension Fund Contributions - please remember to inform us and the relevant Finance team each time you have paid your pension scheme contributions, by filling in the Monthly Contributions Form.
If you are changing your Payroll Provider, please contact the Employer & Communications Team so that we can help you through the process and make sure you retain access to historical payroll information.
TUPEs & New Academies - Please do not complete the leaver spreadsheet if members are leaving your employment and transferring to another employer under TUPE. Follow the process outlined on our website instead.
Peninsula Pensions Great Moor House Bittern Road Sowton Industrial Estate Exeter EX2 7NL Tel: 01392 383000 Peninsula Pensions is provided by Devon County Council and is a shared service with Somerset County Council |