Snow Warden Update - 1st Dec 23

snow heading
Important updates

As we go into December we have had the first hints of snow for the year, but luckily as yet nothing too major.  Changes in the weather are predicted in the coming days, so it is important to be prepared.

Grit Bins

Grit bin

We have had many requests for Grit Bins from the Parishes, however, these come at a significant cost so it is important we make the best use of the existing resources, and only place new ones in problem locations.

In the first instance, contact your Highway Neighbourhood Officer or our Customer Service Centre on 0345 155 1004 

We will require a location plan for any new bin requests and confirmation of funding either by the Parish or County Councillor

Grit bins will not be approved in every case.

It could be that there are bins already on the network that have little use and these can be moved to more strategic points.  We currently have over 3,500 bins across Devon. 

Snow Wardens - updating your details

It is important that you keep your Snow Warden details up to date and inform DCC of any changes that may have taken place.  All Snow Wardens should have plans in place and contact details for any volunteers should those plans need to be put into action.

Devon County Council aim to keep the public up to date on the weather and what to expect in the coming days.  You can follow our social media accounts for the most recent updates.

'Devon Alert' is our Network Operation Control Centre and Emergency Planning teams'  primary method of getting messages out to the general public.

X (formerly Twitter): @DevonAlert and @DevonCC

Facebook: Devon Alert

Instagram: devon.alert

Threads: devon.alert

Helping our Gritter Drivers

We have a hard working team of gritter drivers that are out at all times of the day and night trying to keep our roads as safe as possible. 


Recent gritter visits have encountered issues in some communities, the public can do their bit by ensuring that they park off the highway wherever possible, avoiding obstruction to enable the gritters to carry out the treatments..

Salt Ordering

When ordering stocks of salt, please ensure that the delivery site is suitable, the route to the site is accessible and that there will be someone on site to receive the delivery.  If for any reason the supplier is unable to make the delivery, due to any of the above, the Parish will be liable for the redelivery costs, which DCC will invoice you for.

Here is the link to the online salt ordering form:

Salt Ordering - Devon Highways

1 December 2023

Contact Us

Our Network Operations Control Centre are unable to respond to your message directly. Please contact our Customer Service Centre on 0345 155 1004 with enquiries.

For enquiries relating to the administration of the Snow Warden Scheme you can also email us at or call 01392 385084 (ext. 2) 

How we contact you

Devon County Council no longer uses a text alert service. Instead we will contact you via this bulletin to alert you of severe weather events.



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