Thank you to everyone who attended the recent employer meetings either in person or online – we hope you found it useful.
Copies of the slides and the recordings of the day will be available on our website shortly along with a list of FAQS.
The consultation is now live and will run until the 31 December 2023. Please take a look and provide us with any feedback you may have to the proposed changes.
Please do not send your leavers spreadsheet on the same email as your monthly interface because it’s important they are kept separately for processing reasons so please send to the relevant mailbox:
Leaver’s mailbox: finance.pensionsleavers-mailbox@devon.gov.uk
Interfaces mailbox: pensionsinterfaces-mailbox@devon.gov.uk
We have discovered that we lose some wording from the Comments box when loaded onto our system and only four or five words format properly. We are trying to fix this but in the meantime please add your comments to the covering email instead.
Please make sure the date of leaving is stated as DD/MM/YYYY and if you are only entering one leaver, click the button to move it to the leaver tab before sending on otherwise it sits on the input tab and may get missed.
Please work with us to get these cases resolved by 31st March 2024.
If you have a policy to award the backpay to leavers, you will need to provide us with a revised leaver form for each affected member. Please do not include these members on the Leavers spreadsheet but follow the process on our website.
Devon County Council will be introducing a new financial system next year and all fund employers will need to be set up for reconciliation of contributions payments so we will need to obtain your VAT number and bank details. We will start to collect this information now for any new employers immediately and then roll out the request to existing employers in the new year.
Our office will be closed from 12pm on Friday 22nd December 2023 until after New Years Day. Please give us time to process your retirement leavers and requests for information before we break for the festive season.
From Tuesday 2nd January 2024, we are changing our phone line opening times. For most of our phone lines, the lines will be open from 8.30am to 1pm daily. Phone line opening times for operational firefighters and uniformed police officers remain the same.
Keep us updated with any changes in staff responsible for completing our forms (authorised signatories). This can be done by completing our online form.
Payment of Pension Fund Contributions - please remember to inform us and the relevant Finance team each time you have paid your pension scheme contributions, by filling in the Monthly Contributions Form.
If you are changing your Payroll Provider, please contact the Employer & Communications Team so that we can help you through the process and make sure you retain access to historical payroll information.
TUPEs & New Academies - Please do not complete the leaver spreadsheet if members are leaving your employment and transferring to another employer under TUPE. Follow the process outlined on our website instead.
Peninsula Pensions Great Moor House Bittern Road Sowton Industrial Estate Exeter EX2 7NL Tel: 01392 383200 Peninsula Pensions is provided by Devon County Council and is a shared service with Somerset Council |