Following a review, we have made some changes to the team set up which includes the introduction of a 4th member services team. As you are aware the teams calculate member benefits for specific employers and your contacts may have altered. Full details of who is on each team can be found on our Peninsula Pensions Team webpage.
For ease the Team Manager and Pensions Officer for each team is set out below:
Devon LGPS Fund employers (not including DCC, DCC paid academies, Plymouth City Council, Torbay Council and Police and Fire schemes)
Chris Collyer Team Manager
David Morris Pensions Officer
Somerset County Council (SCC), SCC paid employers, West Somerset and Taunton Deane Council, Mendip District Council, Sedgemoor District Council and South Somerset District Council.
Amy Gammon Team Manager
Vicki Pritchard Pensions Officer
Plymouth City Council, Police and Fire LGPS employers, Somerset employers (except SCC and SCC paid employers, Somerset District and Borough Councils)
Fiona Samways Team Manager
Neil Pook Pensions Officer
Devon County Council (DCC), DCC paid academies and Torbay Council
Marcella Parr Team Manager
Claire Kissane Pensions Officer
Queries in relation to processes, training and presentation requirements remain with the Employer and Communication Team. You can send your queries to
As mentioned in September's edition, the Local Government Association (LGA) have published final pay bitesize training which can be found on the employer bite size training page of their website. Please also see the recordings of our Pensionable Pay Focus sessions and our Employer's Guide to the LGPS on our website for additional guidance.
Following the sad passing of Her Majesty the Queen and the national period of mourning, we decided to cancel the Employer Pensions Discretions focus session that was planned for 15th September 2022. We have been working on a discretions video guide but unfortunately this has been put on hold whilst we are concentrating on the ESS replacement.
Please remember to review your pensions discretion policy and send a copy of your current or updated policy to the Employer & Communications team. Full guidance and an example template are available on our website and if you have any questions, please contact the Employer & Communications Team.