Summer 2022 Edition
Welcome to our Summer 2022 edition of Roadmap.
Roadmap provides information and updates from the Highway Service and has been created especially for Parish and Town Councils.
If you have any feedback please let us know as we would like to shape this publication based on your requirements.
If you don't want to receive future copies of this publication please unsubscribe here. Alternatively, if you are aware of other members of your council, who would like to receive a copy of Roadmap directly, please let us know.
New Leadership arrangements
Earlier this year, Phil Norrey (DCC Chief Executive) announced plans to change the way our services are configured together with proposals for a new smaller Strategic Leadership Team.
Meg Booth (pictured left), the Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure Development and Waste (HIDW) has now been appointed as Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport. The new directorate includes HIDW, Planning, Transportation and Environment (including school place planning).
Can you help us to keep our highway healthy?
In these times of increasing costs, and reduced funding from government, we would love to hear from you to help us shape our plan to manage the highway network for the future. We are particularly interested to know which services matter to you most, how our self-help initiatives are working and any suggestions for improvement.
Chapter 8 renewal training
We are aware that there may be a number of volunteers, who carry out minor highway works within communities, who need to attend chapter 8 renewal training in the near future (the qualification expires after 5 years).
In order to attend, volunteers will need to have their existing street works card/number. If this has been lost or mislaid, please contact the Street Works Qualification Register who will be able to assist.
If you would like any advice or guidance regarding training please contact the Highway Services Team.
Free training
Devon County Council continue to provide free training to volunteers. The following is a list of courses that we currently fund;
- Highway Safety Awareness Training (e-learning)
- Traffic Management for Community Events
- SWQR Unit 2 Signing, lighting and guarding (chapter 8)
The above list is not exhaustive and the level of training required will depend on the project that you would like to undertake. Please discuss any potential projects with your Neighbourhood Highway Officer who will be able to provide the necessary support and advice.
Neighbourhood Highway Officers
Each electoral division has a designated Neighbourhood Highway Officer (NHO) who provides local support and information on highway matters. They are your main point of contact for Devon Highways.
Roadworks Information
Road closures, diversions and other roadworks can often cause concern within local communities. However, there are a number of webpages available that can help you find out what is happening in your local area;
Devon County Council's roadworks map displays present, future and completed works
- shows all planned works by utility companies, DCC and others, alongside the diversion routes and other useful information. You can set up alerts to warn you when new works are scheduled in a specific area
- We also publish a number of dedicated webpages for works which have the potential to cause major disruption and for major schemes, the majority of which have received substantial investment from the Department of Transport
Parish and Town Council webpages
A number of years ago, we developed a dedicated parish and town council website with the intention of creating a "one stop shop" for parish and town council's to easily access highway information.
Previous copies of Roadmap are available on the website.