Thank you for everyone who completed the survey in last month’s edition. The majority have voted for an online event so we will now start the planning for a date in May when we hope to have the legislation updates and have the Data Quality Exercise completed. Details will be provided in due course.
When an employee joins the LGPS they are provided with information about Member Self Service (MSS), our online communication portal. We would ask you to support us by including a link to MSS within your new staff induction material.
In addition to this, we are asking employers to update any leaver information provided to members or published on Intranet sites to encourage staff to register with a personal email address to enable continued access to MSS once they have left employment.
We will be contacting members shortly to advise them that all future correspondence from Peninsula Pensions will be issued via MSS with effect from 1st April 2022. Members who joined the scheme before 31st March 2015 are entitled to opt out of MSS and continue to receive postal communications.
Please can you remember to provide the best of last 3 years pensionable pay on the leaver form for any members who have left or retired with pre 2014 service and have had a pay reduction which results in a previous year’s pensionable pay is higher than the final year.
The recent LGPC Bulletin provides information on the revised contribution banding for 2022/23.
Please update your payroll systems accordingly.