Parish and Town Council September Newsletter: Devon's Special Bees, Wasps and Ants webinar tonight, wildlife community awards, community updates, funding... events...

Local Nature Partnership

Parish and Town Council Newsletter - September 2021

The Devon Local Nature Partnership is a collaboration of all those working to tackle the Ecological Emergency and develop a healthy nature recovery network across Devon for wildlife, communities and business. Please see our website for more information.  Follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and join our community Facebook group.

To submit an article please email (50 words + a pic).  

Wild About Devon Community Action for Wildlife

Community action animation clip

The Wild About Devon initiative is all about creating a central place to connect communities taking action for wildlife across Devon and to share their learning. Our animation is a great introduction to the Wild about Devon Initiative which you can learn more about by visiting the LNP website.

blue tits in a bird box

As part of the Wild About Devon initiative, we are also running a series of community webinars. The next few topics include an Devon's special bees, wasps and ants, trees for Devon, and funding opportunities. Let us know what future topics you'd like us to include, and we'd love for you to share your own projects and speak at the events. Email your suggestions to


Devon's Special Bees, Wasps and Ants webinar

Tuesday 21st Sept, 7-8pm

In this free webinar, John Walters will give an overview on Devon's species, Cathy Horsley will mention the the Bumblebee Conservation Trust's work, and Andrew Whitehouse will explain some of Buglife's projects.

Devon Dark Skies Week 2021

starry sky

Devon Dark Skies Week falls over October half term, 22nd - 30th October. The dark skies initiative is all about connecting people to the natural world after dark and extending our relationship with wildlife around the clock. 

It's a great opportunity to organise your own community events, such as bat walks or star-gazing. We'd love to hear what you're doing and promote your events as part of Devon Dark Skies Week. Tag us in your posts, or email events across to us.

Moths around a light

Wildlife webinar - Devon Dark Skies Week

Monday 25th October, 7pm

An introduction to moths and their importance, and new research into the effects LED lighting on moths by Richard Fox (Butterfly Conservation) and Doug Boyes (Centre for Hydrology and Ecology). Grab a free ticket!

Starry sky

Dark Skies webinar - Devon Dark Skies Week

Thursday 28th October, 7pm

The importance of the night sky and getting lighting right with Bob Mizon MBE (UK Commission for Dark Skies) and Devon Campaign to Protect Rural England. Visit the event page for more details and to get your free ticket.

Updates from across the county

Ash tree in a hedge

Saving Devon's Treescapes

Saving Devon’s Treescapes is able to offer a range of free trees to parish and town councils. They have different options available including:

  • Free trees for planting copses or hedgerows
  • Free trees to grow a community orchard
  • A free landmark tree
  • Or you can host a free tree hub so everyone in the community can have the opportunity to plant a free tree in their garden.

Buckfasteligh wildspace ponds

Buckfastleigh Wildspace Garden

A bedraggled piece of land behind Buckfastleigh Town Hall has been transformed into a haven for wildlife. A local garden designer, Charlie Narewski Scullion, was hired by the Town Council and worked with a team of volunteers from the Veterans Farm-Able Foundation to clear debris, create 3 ponds, a bog area and a huge variety of insect shelters.

The Wildspace Garden was officially opened on 12th June 2021 and has already become a haven for birds, insects, reptiles and amphibians. 

Gulliford burial ground

Gulliford Burial Ground

In 2020, Woodbury and Lympstone Parish Councils received a Heritage Lottery grant to enable masonry work to be carried out on Gulliford Burial Ground, north of Lympstone. This secured the walls and tombs for the future. Now, in 2021, with the support from the Friends of Gulliford, they are erecting information boards, plus new paths and gates and Gulliford is open to the public.

Moth trapping at a community event

The Conservation Communities Project

The Conservation Communities Project has been working with residents from across Devon to make formal wildlife records with Devon Biodiversity Records Centre. 

The project aims to generate on the ground data so that the by the end of 2022 the local Parish Biodiversity Audits can be updated and rewritten. The project officer (Jo Pullin) is keen to work with parish councils, local residents, schools and community groups to provide training, events and conservation work parties over the forthcoming year.  

Beavers with kits

Devon Wildlife Trust

Last month, the launch of the Defra public consultation was celebrated, which asks people to have their say on future reintroductions of beavers in England. This news comes after the success of DWT’s River Otter Beaver Trial

This Summer also saw the creation of DWT’s new ‘Wilder Communities’ team, who are working with communities to support nature’s recovery in Devon, including helping vital insect populations.

Funding Opportunities

Visit the funding page on our website to keep updated with the latest environmental funding opportunities available to you.

Together for our planet logo

Together for Our Planet

Together for Our Planet is a new programme offering grants to support communities across the UK to take action on climate change. Awards of between £1,000 and £10,000 are available for activities and equipment that meet at least two of the pre-determined criteria.

Application deadline: 18th November 2021

ITF logo

International Tree Foundation: UK Community Tree Planting

The International Tree Foundation is now accepting applications for grants towards community tree planting projects in the UK. Grants up to £6,000 are available to community-led initiatives that will conserve, restore and protect indigenous trees and woodlands, forests, habitats and associated biodiversity.

Application deadline: 16th December 2021


2020 battle of britain commemoration

attle of Britain Commemoration

Sunday 19th September, 10:15am start

The Battle of Britain Commemoration will be held at the War Memorial in Teignmouth.


Devon's Special Bees, Wasps and Ants webinar

Tuesday 21st September, 7pm - 8pm

In this webinar, John Walters will give an overview on Devon's species, Cathy Horsley will mention the the Bumblebee Conservation Trust's work, and Andrew Whitehouse will explain some of Buglife's projects.

tree in a field

Exminster Environment Fair

Saturday 9th October, 10am - 1pm

Exminster is holding its first “Environment Fair” in the Victory Hall to showcase the groups in the village and local area which aim to protect the natural environment and cut carbon emissions. It is sponsored by Exminster Parish Council through its Environment Working Party, a group of councillors and volunteers who aim to tackle the increasing loss of biodiversity and global warming in our part of the planet.   

globe in hand

Climate Change Awareness Day

Saturday 23rd October, 10:15am start

Buckland Brewer Parish Council is organising a Climate Change Awareness Day at Buckland Brewer Hall. They will have a panel of experts on hand to present their views on the climate crisis and there will be a variety of companies and organisations exhibiting products and services aimed at helping small businesses, the farming community and householders to contribute towards net-zero carbon. The event is free (and there will even be tea and cakes!)

Moths around a light

Wildlife webinar - Devon Dark Skies Week

Monday 25th October, 7pm

An introduction to moths and their importance, and new research into the effects LED lighting on moths by Richard Fox (Butterfly Conservation) and Doug Boyes (Centre for Hydrology and Ecology). Grab a free ticket!

Starry sky

Dark Skies webinar - Devon Dark Skies Week

Thursday 28th October, 7pm

The importance of the night sky and getting lighting right with Bob Mizon MBE (UK Commission for Dark Skies) and Devon Campaign to Protect Rural England. Visit the event page for more details and to get your free ticket.


Fireworks Display

Saturday 30th October, 7:15pm

Teignmouth's fireworks display will be held at Point car park.

The latest newsletter bulletin has been sent to you as you have expressed an interest in being kept up to date with the work of the LNP. We may also send out invitations to conferences and other events. If you no longer wish to be part of the P&TC Wildlife Network and would like to stop receiving emails you can do so by unsubscribing on our newsletter platform.

If you have content that you would like to have included in our next newsletter, put on the LNP website or shared via our social media channels please email us a short text (50 words) and include a picture.