Pensions Line special edition

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Consultation on reforming exit pay

We let you know in last month’s edition that HM Treasury had responded to the 2019 consultation on restricting exit payments in the public sector followed by the publication of draft regulations for capping public sector exit payments on 22 July.

The Ministry of Housing Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) has now published a consultation on reforming local government exit pay. The consultation runs until 9 November 2020 and seeks views on proposals for reforming exit payment terms for local government workers in England and Wales to introduce the exit payment cap and further reform of exit payments.

Change to the ESS Leaver process

As mentioned in last month’s edition, you no longer need to do the Notification stage when you submit a Leaver form via Employer Self Service (ESS). All you need to do now is download the form, complete it and then upload it directly to the members record. As you have direct access, the leaver form is instantly attached to the member’s record and an internal process will create a task for us to action. Please see the new Employer Guide to ESS on our website for more guidance.

2020 Pay Award for Local Government Services

Following the announcement that a 2.75% increase to basic salaries has been awarded and backdated to 1 April 2020, local government staff should expect to receive their backdated pay in September’s pay.

As a result, this means that any members who have left or retired between 1 April and 31 August 2020 will need their benefits to be recalculated on the revised pensionable pay and you will therefore need to provide us with a revised leaver form for each affected member.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to load any revised forms to ESS as you will no longer have access to the records so we ask that you follow a special process:
• Please download the special version of the Leaver form on our website.
• Attach ALL of your completed revised leaver forms to 1 email and send it to the team mailbox: clearly stating ‘Revised Leaver Forms re pay award’ in the subject line.

Please note that this process is only for post April leavers for whom you have already submitted a leaver form. You will need to use ESS in the normal way for any leavers you have not previously told us about.


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Employer Self Service

Employer Services (ESS) Guide

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Peninsula Pensions  Employers' Guide

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