On 21 July 2020, HM Treasury published the Government response to the consultation on restricting exit payments in the public sector. This was followed by the publication of draft regulations for capping public sector exit payments on 22 July which includes a list of employers who will be covered by the cap.
The Regulations will need to be approved by both houses of parliament and will come into force 21 days after that process is complete. We are expecting revised H M T Directions and guidance on the implementation of the cap and the waiver process.
We understand that the Regulations will affect L G P S members in England and Wales who currently qualify for an unreduced pension because of redundancy or efficiency retirement. If the cap is breached, then the member may have to take a reduced pension. M H C L G is looking at options to introduce choice to allow members in this position to opt for a deferred pension instead. We also expect the introduction of a standard strain cost calculation so that the cap will apply equally to members across the country.
You can read more information about the policy on the Public sector exit payments cap page of www.lgpsboard.org.
The Local Government Association (LGA) has amended their website to make it easier for employers to access information and resources that are relevant to them. An Employer resources section has been introduced and contains: • guides and documents relevant to LGPS employers in England and Wales • employer bite-size training starting with six modules on assumed pensionable pay - • information about other training and resources for employers. Further employer training modules will be added in due course and we will keep you posted.
Alongside the Public service pension schemes consultation, the Government made an announcement on the cost control mechanism that applies to all public service pension schemes.
The announcement confirms that: • the cost control mechanism pause will be lifted, and the cost control element of the 2016 valuations process will be completed • the cost of addressing the discrimination identified in the McCloud judgment will be included in this process.
The SAB (England and Wales) will consider its position on the SAB employer cost cap process in the coming weeks.
We will of course keep you updated as we learn more.
When paying a Devon Fund debtor invoice please check the bank details, we often have invoices paid to Devon County Council, which delays the allocation and may result in unnecessary payment reminders. Please see the link to payment of invoices https://www.peninsulapensions.org.uk/lgps-member/payment-methods/k to payment of invoices.
You will no longer need to do the Notification stage when you submit a Leaver form via ESS. All you need to do now is download the form, complete it and then upload it directly to the members record. As you have direct access, the leaver form is instantly attached to the member’s record and an internal process will create a task for us to action. A new Employer Guide to ESS is now on our website but the Leaver Process and Work Activities Videos are currently under re-construction - new and improved videos will be available soon!
Please note that Altair Employer Services will not be available from 7am on the 27th August while we take delivery of a system upgrade. The upgrade is expected to take most of the morning, but we will contact you again as soon as the delivery is complete and the system is available again. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Please remember to inform us and the relevant Finance team each time you have paid your pension scheme contributions, by filling in the Monthly Contributions Form. If we receive the returns right away with the payments and they are correct - it makes the process so much easier, so please ensure that you build this form into your procedures.
If you are a Somerset Pension Fund employer, please contact the Corporate Finance Team for a copy of the Monthly Contribution Return: Corporatefinancepens@somerset.gov.uk
If you are a Devon Pension Fund Employer, you will need to use the online EAS5 form. If you have not already registered, a login can be obtained from the Employer and Communications Team.