Pensions Line - January 2020

Pensions Line header

January 2020

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all - we hope you had a lovely Christmas.

Employer PLOG Meeting's 2020 – have you booked your place?


If you haven’t already done so, please remember to book your place on one of our employer meetings. For more details, please see our website. Last date for booking will be 22nd January 2020.

Responses Sort

In mid December we began a consultation with employers relating to a revised a draft Pension Administration Strategy.

Thank you to those who have emailed their responses and a reminder for others to provide responses by 19th January 2020.

The outcome of the consultation will be discussed at the PLOGS.


Employer & Communications  Team

Quick links

Employer Services (ESS) Guides

Peninsula Pensions Employers' Pages

Peninsula Pensions  Employers' Guide

Ill Health Retirement Guidance

Pensionable Pay Guidance

Assumed Pensionable Pay Guidance

IDRP Guidance

LGPS regulations and guidance

Fund Investments

LGPS National Website


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