As communicated in last month's edition, employee contributions should be collected in April on the basis of current regulations. The table of employee contribution bands and rates to be implemented with effect from 1st April 2019 under current regulations are on our website.
We have recently sent out a communication to scheme members to inform them of changes that came into effect from 10 January 2019 (some have been backdated). The changes relate to early payment of deferred benefits for leavers before 1 April 1998 and changes to survivor benefits for same sex spouses and civil partners.
The newsletter has been uploaded to Member Self Service (MSS) for all members to view and we have sent a letter to those members who do not currently use MSS. A copy can be found on our website
There is a new Leaver form available on our website along with a completion guide which should make it easier for you all to understand exactly what we need (hopefully)!
We have also developed a spreadsheet for calculation of final pensionable pay for pre-2014 benefits and Assumed Pensionable Pay (APP) which can be submitted with the Leavers form to confirm the figures quoted. The form we use to capture the best average pay for previous years has been re-designed along with the Casual Leaver information request form.
Please do not stock pile any forms but use the ones on the website as these will be the latest versions.
Work is on-going to move the leaver form to Employer Self Service so we will keep you updated!
In accordance with regulation 2(3) of the LGPS Regulations 2013 MHCLG have issued revised factors for:
• Additional pension for elections before 1 April 2012 • Additional pension for elections from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2014
The above takes effect from 1 April 2019 and actuarial guidance is available here along with the covering letter from MHCLG. LGA are in the process of updating the additional pension calculator and are hopeful to complete the updates by the end of next week.
Just a reminder that you can process member estimates via the Benefit Calculation option in Employer Self Service (ESS) for any of the following employer driven retirements:
• Redundancy/efficiency • Ill Health Retirement (Tier 3) • Flexible Retirement
All calculation results will confirm the strain costs payable, if applicable.
If you have a complicated case or you require assistance with the calculations, then we can process the estimate for you. If you are having to go through a redundancy exercise and need figures for many employee’s (more than 8), it is possible for us to process these calculations in bulk and a spreadsheet is on our website within the Employer Forms section – for more information on the process, please contact the Employer & Communications Team