Pensions Line Special - February 2019

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 February 2019

Update on Cost Management Process


Further to last week's edition, we have received confirmation that the LGPS Advisory Board (SAB) has paused its cost management process pending the outcome of the McCloud Case.

As a result there are currently no changes to benefits planned in respect of the cost cap. This situation will be reviewed once McCloud is resolved which is not expected for some months.

Administering authorities and employers should therefore proceed on the assumption that the scheme will not change in April. In particular employee contributions should be collected in April on the basis of current regulations. More information including confirmation of the new employee bandings with effect from 1st April 2019 can be found on our website.  

Reminder for changes in processes

If you currently download the Starter, Changes in Hours and Changes in Details forms from our website, they are no longer available. Instead, you will need to use Employer Self Service (ESS) or interfaces. You will also be able to use ESS for member estimates. More information and guidance is now available on our website but if you have any questions or would like some training, please email the Employer & Communications Team.

New Guides Available

There is a new guide to Employer Discretions now available on our website. The guide includes a revised example policy which incorporates the requirement for a separate Flexible Retirement policy. We suggest that you check your current policy against the new template to ensure you have covered all the required discretions. 

A new printable Employer Guide is also now available. 

Keep us updated

As mentioned at the recent PLOG's and in last week's edition, we have made it easier for you to keep us updated with any changes in your staff contacts via our online form.

If you would like to know who at your authority we currently have listed as authorised and delegated contacts, please email the Employer & Communications Team


Employer & Communications  Team



Quick links

Peninsula Pensions Employers' Pages

Peninsula Pensions  Employers' Guide

Ill Health Retirement Guidance

Pensionable Pay Guidance

Assumed Pensionable Pay Guidance

IDRP Guidance

LGPS regulations and guidance


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