Working Practice Agreement - Information Sharing to Support Early Help Provision

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A C T I O N   R E Q U I R E D

For the priority attention of all Headteachers & Principals of

Devon Primary and Secondary Schools

Dear Colleague

As you are aware, poor information sharing has been highlighted as a factor not only nationally but also locally and an action arising out of recent Serious Case Reviews is for Devon Safeguarding Children Board (DSCB) to be assured that practitioners are confident about what information they can share, when and with whom.

Whilst Schools were asked to confirm that they had signed the CYP&F Alliance Early Help Working Practice Agreement as part of the 2016 Safeguarding Audit, the original document has since been revised to enable DCC to act on behalf of partners to permit new agencies to join the agreement e.g. for new free schools or upon academy conversions, MAT mergers etc. Please see L E T T E R dated 4 May from Jo Olsson, Chief Officer for Children’s Services for further information.

DAPH/DASH have been asked to co-ordinate the signature and return of revised WPA’s from all primary and secondary schools and academies in Devon.

Please could you arrange for the W O R K I N G  P R A C T I C E  A G R E E M E N T  (WPA) to be signed on Page 7 and a scanned copy of the whole document returned to this office at as soon as possible and no later than 24 May 2017.

Please note the document should be signed by the Headteacher, Principal or CEO on the basis that it is shared with their respective Governing Boards. Additionally, it is acceptable for a single Agreement to be signed collectively on behalf of all schools within a Federation or Multi Academy Trust (MAT) but details of individual component schools should also be referenced on the document.

Thank you for your assistance and early co-operation in this matter.

Clare Coates  |  Business Manager
Devon Association of Primary Headteachers