DAPH Update: Special Edition | URGENT Please respond to the High Needs Funding Reform Consultation Stage 2


  Special Edition  |  17 March 2017


N E W   DAPH Response to the High Needs Funding Reform Consultation Stage 2

Running concurrently with the national funding formula proposals, the High Needs Funding Reform Consultation Stage 2 seeks your views on the design of the high needs national funding formula and on changes to the way high needs funding is distributed. 

Read the DAPH  R E S P O N S E  to this consultation which has been produced for schools to use as guidance when submitting their own response.

To access the High Needs Funding Reform Consultation page and links to supporting information  |  READ MORE

R E M I N D E R | this consultation closes at 11.45pm on 22nd March 2017

f40 logo

f40 represents a group of the lowest funded education authorities in England where government-set cash allocations for primary and secondary pupils are the lowest in the country.

Read the f40’s proposed D R A F T  R E S P O N S E to the High Needs Funding Reform consultation.