SEND Peer Review Daily Update - 24 November 2016


SEND Peer Review Daily Update - 24 November 2016

SEND Peer review

Wednesday 24 November 2016

Peer Review feedback - day 2

Yesterday saw the Peer Review team visiting a range of education settings across the county, as well as observing an EHCP panel meeting.

The team really enjoyed their visits to the schools, colleges and early years settings.  Thank you to everyone involved in yesterday's visits, for providing them with such a positive experience.

The Peer Review team were very positive about  the work and the child-centred practice they saw in all the settings they visited yesterday.  They were impressed with the creativity and felt there was a strong capacity for innovation.  They said they also received positive feedback about the use of our graduated response tool.

The team have also started to identify some areas that we can develop, and these included providing more consistency across Devon, especially in relation to access to health assessment and therapy.

The team said it was good to see that  innovation extended to post-16 work in areas such as Direct Payments for courses to enhance life skills; and for early years to provide support for parents to navigate the Local Offer website.   We could, however, provide more clarity around the framework linked to use of our Holistix and My Plans tools.

They recognised a real emphasis on community, and how services working together support each other, to the extent that they filled gaps where other provision is not available.

The team noted the strong legacy of programmes rolled out by the local authority - for example Thrive - which schools continue to use.  They paid tribute to the enthusiasm across the county to engage in co construction to ensure the right solutions for children and young people with SEND.

Today's itinerary

Today's meetings involved a Young People's focus group; Early Years leads; Careers South West, Health Commissioners and Providers and attending the SEND Improvement Board.

Coming up...

Tomorrow we will hear more detailed feedback from the Peer Review team in their final presentation, initially with Chief Officers and at an open session in the Coaver Club conference room, from 12 noon - 1.30, to which everyone is welcome.

We will be sending out a summary of this feedback early next week, along with details on the next steps for SEND.


We will keep you updated through this bulletin.  If you have any feedback on the Peer Review please e-mail

SEND local offer