DAPH Update: Special Edition | SEND Update


  Special Edition  |  Autumn Term  |  18 October 2016

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SEND Update

Important information and action required by schools

Dear Colleagues

Having recently undergone some organisational change at Devon County Council, I have now taken on the Chief Officer Children (COC) role, and I’m writing to give you an update on some important changes taking place across services for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

In Devon, we have been implementing the SEND reforms and have recently refreshed the way in which we monitor our performance against SEND Code of Practice 2014 to ensure that we improve outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families. This is monitored and overseen by the SEND Improvement Board – a partnership that aims to improve the engagement of all agencies and ensure we work in collaborative way to identify and meet the needs of children in Devon. Some of you will be directly involved in this work.

A new Local Offer website was introduced in April 2016 and is developing to provide information about the provision available across Education, Health and Social Care for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities, including those without an Education, Health and Care Plan.

The Minister of State for Children and Families has tasked Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) with inspecting the effectiveness of local areas in fulfilling their new duties, which started 1 May 2016. Ofsted and CQC have jointly published the new Local Area SEND Inspection Framework and the SEND Inspection Handbook. This carries with it a number of requirements in terms of preparation by the local area partners, and also the identification of individuals and groups who will be interviewed by the inspectors; including young people, parents, providers and key representatives across education, health and social care.

We do not know when Devon will be inspected but it is important that we ensure partners are aware of the proposed process and content of the Inspection. The new inspection framework gives us a very helpful template to enable us to add focus to our practice improvement, working together across the partnership to improve outcomes for children, young people and their families.

All SEND partners across the local area should:

* Ensure that their leaders and staff are aware of what the inspection will entail

* Review how data on outcomes is captured and shared with partners

* Think about how they can ensure that children and parents are at the centre of the Ofsted visit if they decide to visit as part of the inspection process.

* Ensure their website includes a link to the SEND Local Offer

* Review how data on outcomes is captured and shared with partners.

Schools should ensure that the SEN Information Report has been updated annually and is present on the school website, in line with the requirement set out in the SEND Code of Practice 2014.

To ensure we are as prepared as possible for our inspection of SEND, Devon has requested a peer review from the Local Government Association (LGA) and this is now scheduled for 22 to 25 November 2016. Preparation for the review is currently underway. The main focus of the peer review is to improve our practice and ultimately outcomes for Devon children with SEND. The important thing is getting this right for children with SEND.

This review will be an ideal opportunity to gain some external perspective and challenge on our SEND provision, including our Local Offer.

While not an inspection, the Peer review will offer insight into our arrangements for assessing need, how we communicate with schools and families towards the creation of an EHCP, the quality of those EHCPs and our Early Help and Graduated Response policies.

We know that meeting the new Statutory Code of Practice is going to pose some challenges in Devon, with increased demand for new assessments and an extension of the age range to age 25. While there is still work to do achieve a multi-disciplinary and co-produced set of EHCPs for our children and young people, the new SEND improvement board is helping to shape this work and ensure a collaborative and strategic approach.

The peer review team is likely to consist of a mix of educational, health and social care peers and managers including a headteacher.

More information is available on the Devon Local Offer website, including frequently asked questions.

Jo Ollson signature

Best Wishes,

Jo Olsson  |  Chief Officer Children