DAPH Update | Special Edition | KS1&2 Statutory Moderation Briefings 2016


  Special Edition  |  Spring Term  |  11 March 2016

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Key Stage 1 & 2

Statutory Moderation Briefings 2016

The local authority is required to moderate at least 25% of schools each year as part of the statutory assessment arrangements, and Babcock LDP are currently waiting for the final guidance from the Standards and Testing Agency which will detail the requirements for moderation in 2016. Statutory moderation requirements are organised and managed by the local authority however guidance to schools clearly states that it is the responsibility of the Headteacher to ensure the accuracy of teacher assessment judgements in their school. STA specify that all schools must have clear internal moderation process, which scrutinises TA in advance of any external moderation activity.  

Please find DETAILS of the KS1 / KS2 moderation briefings that are being offered to support the 2016 arrangements. We are strongly recommending that a member of the school senior leadership team attends one of these sessions   |   BOOK ONLINE

Charges: There is no charge for Devon LA maintained schools, please book as normal and an adjustment will be made on receipt of your booking. A small charge applies for all other schools to attend.