Welcome to the latest newsletter from the Heart of the South West
Devolution Programme Management Office. Please share this newsletter with
colleagues and in your own communications.
Since September last year, when we submitted our Statement of
Intent to Government, a huge amount of work has been undertaken by all partners to turn
those ambitions into a more detailed negotiation prospectus.
The prospectus has now been written and follows months of concentrated
work by council chiefs in Devon, Somerset, Plymouth and Torbay with 13 district
councils, Dartmoor and Exmoor national parks, the local NHS and the Heart of
the South West Local Enterprise Partnership.
On 25 January, Heart of the South West partners came
together and agreed the negotiating prospectus, subject to formal approval by those
partners who have yet to go through their internal decision-making processes.
If you would like to give us any feedback on this newsletter, or
would like more information on any of the topics discussed, please email us on DevolutionPMO@somerset.gov.uk and our team will gladly help you.
Best wishes
Heart of the South West Devolution Programme Management Office

Update on the Devolution Prospectus
The prospectus, available here, covers over a whole range of topics that aim to
generate higher productivity and better-paid jobs, improved road,
rail and broadband links, and more homes for the region’s growing population. More information