Industrial Strategy Bulletin - 10 October

Industrial Strategy

Industrial Strategy Bulletin

10 October 2018

Welcome to this latest edition of the Industrial Strategy Bulletin.

In this edition, we cover the appointment of the Chair for the new Industrial Strategy Council Chair; we explain how you can get involved in next week's Green GB Week; highlight opportunities to take part in conferences, and get your products on display at our central London headquarters.

Latest blog posts 

On our Industrial Strategy Blog, two of the co-founders of Continuum Industries explain what the hyperloop is and why they are working on it.

We also hear from Dr Irene Gonsalvez, who is National Lead, Health and Work at Public Health England, who explains how creating an inclusive workplace can increase productivity, to coincide with Global Mental Health Day.

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Industrial Strategy Council's chair named


Andy Haldane has been named as the Chair of the Industrial Strategy Council, a new independent body set up to assess the government’s progress on the commitments made in its modern Industrial Strategy.

Mr Haldane is the Chief Economist of the Bank of England, where he is responsible for research and statistics as well as being a member of the Monetary Policy Committee. He was named as the first council chair on Monday by Business Secretary Greg Clark.

The council will meet for the first time at the beginning of November. Mr Haldane will be joined by senior individuals from business, academia and civil society from all corners of the UK.

Find out more about this appointment here.

Green GB Week launches on Monday - and it's not too late to get involved!


The first ever Green GB Week takes place next week and it's not too late to get involved.

Clean growth has been identified in the Industrial Strategy as one of the four Grand Challenges that the UK can lead in solving. 

The week, starting on Monday, will see events taking place all over the country to raise awareness of what clean growth is and offer suggestions to consumers and businesses on how they can be more green.

To find out more about what Green GB Week is about, visit our campaign website or download our stakeholder toolkit

Events can be found and registered on our Eventbrite page

As highlighted in our previous bulletin, the CBI and WSP are jointly hosting a business webinar on ‘Growing your business with green innovation’ on 16 October from 12.30pm to 1.30pm. Register for the business webinar.

As part of Green GB Week, the Financial Conduct Authority are hosting Innovating for a Greener GB, an event where they will be launching an exciting new FCA Innovate initiative.

If you'd like to support the campaign on social media, use the #GreenGB hashtag. Social media content that you can use to promote the week can be found here.

Go on display at BEIS headquarters


Want to exhibit your organisation’s work at the heart of the UK government? 

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy's reception area at 1 Victoria Street in Westminster displays the most innovative and inspiring solutions to the Industrial Strategy's Grand Challenges. 

Our reception has thousands of visitors every week - and this is your chance to put your business's work on display here.

If you would like to learn more about the exhibition space and submit an expression of interest, please fill in this short form.  

Prime Minister puts Grand Challenges on world stage at UN General Assembly


Prime Minister Theresa May has laid out the Grand Challenges for the UK's economy and society at the UN General Assembly as identified in our Industrial Strategy White Paper, published last November.

During the annual address of world leaders, the Prime Minister said the UK is driving investment in industries of the future as well as investing in education and skills. 

In her speech, she also outlined the government's action in making sure people play by the rules around taxes and labour market rights.

Read the Prime Minister's full speech to the UN General Assembly.

While in New York, the Prime Minister also addressed the Bloomberg Global Business Forum, stating that a post-Brexit Britain will be an unequivocally pro-business Britain. 

She went on to say Britain will remain a global partner that will help to lead the international response to the global challenges of climate change, an ageing population, and the development of artificial intelligence.

Read the Prime Minister's speech to the Bloomberg Global Business Forum.

Sign up for first Commercialisation of Small Nuclear in the UK Conference


The first ever national conference to showcase the commercialisation opportunities of small nuclear in the UK has been announced.

The “Commercialisation of Small Nuclear in the UK” conference will take place at the Manufacturing Technology Centre in Coventry, with an evening networking event on Monday 5 November, followed by a full day conference on Tuesday 6 November.

The conference will feature live demonstrations and key note addresses on all aspects of commercialising small nuclear in the UK, building on our landmark Nuclear Sector Deal, which was published earlier in the year as part of our modern Industrial Strategy.

Find out more about the conference online and register your interest.

Support to boost skills and prosperity

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A package of measures to support business boost skills, growth and prosperity has been unveiled by the Chancellor.

Chancellor Philip Hammond pledged government support for apprenticeships, adult training, to boost management skills in small businesses, and to ensure the UK’s world-class regulatory system is fit for the future.

The Chancellor announced a package of reforms and £95 million increase to the Apprenticeship Levy to ensure it continues to help business train people with the skills they need for the new economy.

The government’s recent productivity review found the UK’s thriving small business community is facing a management skills challenge. 

To address this, the Chancellor announced £20 million will be invested in networks to enable small businesses to learn from each other and from world-leading firms.

The Chancellor also pledged £100 million for the first phase of the National Retraining Scheme, announced in the last Budget, which will be rolled out next year.

Find out more about all of the productivity and skills announcements made by the the Chancellor.

Ten cities shortlisted for major transport funding across England


Communities across the UK will benefit from £840 million to upgrade public transport links, the Prime Minister has announced.

The shortlist of ten city regions marks the next stage of the £1.7 billion Transforming Cities Fund, which under the government’s modern Industrial Strategy is supporting cities to make it easier, safer and quicker for people to travel and get to work by funding improved transport connections.

Local authorities in Derby and Nottingham, Leicester City, the North East, Norwich, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Southampton, Sheffield, Stoke-on-Trent and West Yorkshire will bid for a share of the funding.

Over the next four years, the new allocation of funding will be used to improve transport links in city regions, linking travel to work areas, increasing access to jobs and helping ensure that businesses have the infrastructure they need to thrive.

Six Mayoral Combined Authorities have already received a share of £840 million to deliver schemes as part of the Transforming Cities Fund.

Read more about this announcement.

National Security Strategic Investment Fund Programme applications open


British Business Bank is inviting applications for the National Security Strategic Investment Fund Programme to support development of advanced dual-use technologies.

The British Business Bank is inviting early-stage venture and growth capital fund managers to apply for the National Security Strategic Investment Fund (NSSIF) Programme, and for other investors to explore how they might invest alongside the Bank in the programme.

The fund aims to combine the best expertise from the public and private sector to foster the growth of high potential UK companies and support the development of dual-use advanced technologies which can contribute to the national security mission.

Find out more about this announcement and how to apply.

Investment in opportunities and job prospects for youngsters in the North East


Opportunities and job prospects for young people in the North East of England are to be addressed by a multi-million pound government investment to boost social mobility and raise aspirations for children, announced by the Education Secretary Damian Hinds.

Launching Opportunity North East, the Education Secretary pledged £24 million to tackle issues holding young people from all communities back and that can risk areas feeling 'left behind'.

Opportunity North East will aim to tackle these issues by investing £12 million in targeted approaches to improve the transition from primary to secondary school, drive up standards – particularly at secondary level – and improve outcomes for pupils post 16.

It will also encourage partnering with local businesses to improve job prospects for young people across the region.

Read more about this announcement.

West Midlands named as first Future Mobility Area with £20m fund


The West Midlands will pioneer innovative new transport schemes to make journeys quicker, cheaper and cleaner following a £20m funding announcement.

The region has been chosen as the UK’s first Future Mobility Area and will see the money invested in new technology.

Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) will work with companies to trial and demonstrate new modes of transport, services and technologies, like mobility as a service, car sharing, electric bikes and using data to bust congestion on our roads.

The government will create three Future Mobility Areas, of which the West Midlands is the first to be announced.

Find out more about this announcement here.

Industrial Strategy team meets Welsh stakeholders to discuss Grand Challenges


Policy officials from the government's Industrial Strategy policy teams met with stakeholders covering a range of industries and organisations to understand how the UK government's economic policy is delivering in Wales.

The team met counterparts at the Welsh Government to discuss how the modern Industrial Strategy complements the work of the devolved administration.

Members of the delegation also hosted roundtables to discuss the Grand Challenges and what they mean for Welsh people and businesses.

Smart data review to protect consumers

bank cards

A review which will make it easier for consumers to get good deals on essential services like broadband and banking, and put an end to consumers paying unjustifiable ‘loyalty penalties’ has been launched.

The Smart Data Review will look at how we can use technology such as comparison tools and open banking to ensure markets work for consumers, as part of our modern Industrial Strategy.

The government wants to ensure that all consumers can benefit from these types of innovative new services, not just those who are digitally savvy and regularly look to switch providers.

The review will report to the newly established Consumer Forum, chaired by Consumer Minister Kelly Tolhurst, which brings together ministers and CEOs of sector regulators. 

Find out more about this announcement.

Hertfordshire LEP explores using IT solutions to solve Grand Challenges

herfordshire lep

Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s Envoy Programme has teamed up with building science centre BRE Group to host a one-day workshop, to explore how innovative ways of working can be applied to the Grand Challenges.

Hertfordshire LEP is currently working with partners to develop its Local Industrial Strategy and its own take on the Grand Challenges set out by the government.

The workshop was aimed at partners looking to understand what long-term IT and cloud strategies are already in place and how these solutions can support public sector organisations. 

Its desired outcome was to share IT best practice models and facilitate greater collaboration between the private and public sector, specifically in relation to these Grand Challenges.

Read more about this story.

How is your organisation helping to deliver the Industrial Strategy?

We want to hear about what you and your organisation are doing to help meet the Grand Challenges, create new jobs, and make the most of new ideas. 

If you would like to showcase your work to deliver the Industrial Strategy, please get in touch.

To tell us your story, please email: