EY Newsletter October 2021


Early Years Newsletter, The Education Improvement Service, Derbyshire County Council

October 2021


Dear Colleagues

Can you believe we are in October already? It’s certainly been a busy start to the autumn term and we know that the implementation of the revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework will be a high priority for you all.

In this first autumn term newsletter we continue to focus on the revised EYFS. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. However, we all know the importance of the three prime areas of learning for children, these areas are particularly crucial as part of the recovery curriculum. The EYFS reminds us these prime areas are essential in igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.

It was great to see so many of you join our leaders and managers update last week. We were delighted to be joined by Iain Peel, Service Director for Schools and Learning and Councillor Alex Dale who shared the direction of travel for Future Shape Education in Derbyshire. We are keen to build on and further enhance the collaboration and partnership working across the early years sector and beyond as part of the COVID-19 recovery. As always, we will use our newsletter and leaders and managers briefings to stay connected, share key information and keep you updated.

At the start of a very busy autumn term, we want to thank you for all your hard work and dedication to children and families in Derbyshire. Please remember to be kind to yourself and keep safe and well.

Best wishes – The Early Years Team

Sarah Bryan – Senior Adviser for School Improvement (Early Years)

Amanda Gordon – Early Years Sufficiency Manager

Rhiannon Kennion – Interim Early Years Manager

The Revised EYFS Statutory Framework

From September 1st 2021, all early years providers and schools in England must meet the requirements of the new Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework.

A reminder of the key areas for change in the revised EYFS: 

  • revised educational programmes and early learning goals, including a clear focus on early language development and more information on self-care and being healthy.
  • changes to the EYFS profile assessment requirements at the end of reception year including removal of the ‘exceeding’ criteria and statutory local authority moderation.
  • a change in the safeguarding and welfare section of the EYFS, promoting children’s oral health and other small changes in other sections, including to support prevention of choking in settings. (See posters information and link below)

The DfE non-statutory curriculum guidance has been updated: Development Matters July 2021  ‘Development Matters is not a long list of everything a child needs to know and do. It guides, but does not replace, professional judgement.’

Development Matters sets out the pathways of children’s development in broad ages and stages. It helps you to make informed decisions about what a child needs to learn and be able to do next. It is not designed to be used as a tick list for generating lots of data.

The observation checkpoints can help you to notice whether a child is at risk of falling behind.

Have you seen the new online resource hub created by the government to support all early years providers with the EYFS reforms?  ‘Help for early years providers’  contains a range of videos and written materials covering all areas of learning along with overarching materials to support effective practice.

New this term from Foundation Years is a guide for parents – What-to-expect-in-the-EYFS

The DfE, Ofsted and Foundation Years have worked together to publish a range of vodcasts available via Foundation Years for different parts of the sector. They aim to support understanding and implementation of the revised EYFS:

Implementing the revised EYFS in primary schools

Understanding the revised EYFS - headteachers and senior leadership

Understanding the revised EYFS - PVIs and childminders

Understanding the revised Development Matters

Learn - Explore - Debate events: implementing the revised EYFS


Over the summer, in readiness for September, Ofsted made some changes to the Inspection Frameworks and their Handbooks. Key documents for you to revisit for the Autumn are below:

Communication and Language

We are all aware that there are children arriving in EYFS provision with underdeveloped communication and language skills or specific needs.  The government continues to recognise this issue and has increased the emphasis within the EYFS reforms on supporting children develop these essential life skills. Ofsted also continue to make this a focus.

Here in Derbyshire we have put together a programme that will guide you through key features and strategies to enhance, enrich or support communication and language at universal level. It embeds the ethos of EYFS practice and the universal ECaT messages into one resource. This programme will run termly and the current, autumn term programme started on 1st September. If you have already registered the programme will be available to you until the end of December.

There are a few spaces still left for this term and you are still able to register on this event until the 26th November at which point registration for the Spring 2022 term will start.


Personal, social and emotional development

Following the successful bid for a Derbyshire Public Health grant, the Early Years Service are pleased to be able to expand the Relationship Aware Programme to support clusters of Schools and PVI settings. Building on the success of the Derbyshire Teddy Bear project, in collaboration and partnership with Alfreton Nursery Teaching School and Derbyshire Early Years Service, this exciting programme focuses on engaging families and supporting children to feel safe, secure, happy and ready to learn as part of a whole school approach. The Relationship Aware programme focuses on attachment-led practice, parental engagement, and transition.

Following a successful application process, we have six clusters receiving training and support to develop a project within their cluster.

If you missed this opportunity and  would like to be considered in the future, we will be looking for further expressions of interest for this programme in November 2021. Watch out for the email invitation.

Physical Development

As the EYFS statutory framework states, ‘Physical activity is vital in children’s all-round development, enabling them to pursue happy, healthy, and active lives.’ 

child fastening coat zip

Physical development underpins all other areas of a child’s learning and development. Think about the other areas of learning and how much movement contributes to a child’s ability to complete simple tasks, e.g. Personal, Social & Emotional development – just being able to hug and cuddle another person or a teddy; Communication & Language – being able to use body language and gestures to express yourself; Mathematics – being able to count using your fingers, etc.

For these reasons, Physical Development continues to be a prime area of learning.

Being active and moving also is integral to health, wellbeing and self-care, along with improving sleep, building relationships and social skills.  Prioritising physical development with young children will support the development of lifelong positive attitudes towards maintaining a healthy mind and body. We must, therefore, ensure that all children have movement-rich opportunities and experiences from birth.

Toddler walking across wooden bridge

Why Movement Matters!

Child jumping in puddle

Children need to move! 

They often move in unexpected ways, at unexpected times and often for no apparent reason at all - apart from the fact their body and brain are telling them to do this!

Think about the children in your provision, if given a room with a few tables and chairs what would they do?  Would they come in and take a seat at a table and have a natter with a friend? Or would they run up to the window to dance in the sunlight, spin in the middle of the room or maybe roll around on the floor laughing with a friend?

You see, movement is the essential and often overlooked starting point for children’s learning. Being active and moving helps children’s bodies and brains to work together as one system – the more a child moves the more a child learns.

The brain has a ‘master plan’ for movement.  Its plan is for movement to eventually become fully automated – by this we mean a child can move without having to think about it, e.g. you don’t need to think about which leg to move when walking. Once movement is fully automated, the brain can then add/layer one thinking or conscious task at a time which frees up processing power for more complex tasks such as thinking, reasoning, imagining and inventing.

Physical development is about how babies and young children gain control over their bodies.

Children develop by building strength and gaining control of the body from the head, down through the shoulders, trunk and hips, and out to the limbs. This ensures that children develop gross motor skills, allowing them to hold their head in place, sit, stand, crawl, walk, run and jump.

Finally, strength and control is gained in the fingers and toes which allow for the development of fine motor skills, e.g. grasping, holding, pinching, releasing and manipulating objects and tools.

Girl playing hopscotch

Physical Development Training Courses

Every Child a Mover (ECaM)

Want to learn more about Physical Development? 

We can offer you a combination of training events, so why not have a look at the list below and ‘pick and mix’ the ECaM training you require?

Training courses currently available to book on Eventbrite  include:

  • 'An Introduction to ECaM and the PDMT' (Physical Development Monitoring Tool)
  • 'Movement: how it develops and how to support children at risk of delay'  (follow-on course to the above)

Book via Eventbrite

Coming soon:

  • Why Movement Matters!
  • Sensational Sensory Processing! Discover the importance of proprioception and the vestibular system
  • Think big! Explore gross motor movement
  • Focus on Finger Fun! Investigating fine motor movement

Please contact the ECaM Team via CS.EYS@derbyshire.gov.uk for further information or to discuss your requirements.

IMPORTANT! Revised COVID-19 Reporting Form

Public Health Outbreak Management Support is changing

In line with Step 4 of the Government’s Plan and the new guidance for Education Settings (COVID-19 Operational Guidance, updated 27th August 2021), the Public Health team have revised their support for Education Settings.

There will be an increased emphasis on working with settings on the overall prevention of a range of infections. However, the team will continue to monitor Covid 19 cases by asking for a limited amount of case information. Direct contact with settings to discuss cases and outbreaks will be much reduced, being targeted to a limited number of settings. This will be based on the size and complexity of an outbreak, where they occur.

A shortened version of the previously named 'Case History' template is available and is now called the COVID-19 Report Form. It can be found here:  Public Health Derbyshire

The form should be sent in to Public Health for reporting via ASCH.TestandTrace@derbyshire.gov.uk

It would be helpful to the team if settings could send this daily as cases arise during the week.

Covid-19 reporting flowchart

Updated Ofsted Poster

Here is the link to an updated Ofsted poster  which needs to be displayed for parents to see:


Choking Hazards Advice: new posters

Two new posters are available which are helpful reminders of how to minimise the risk of choking. These are available to download from:

Food safety - Help for early years providers - GOV.UK (education.gov.uk)

Early Years SEN: Launch of the EYFS Celebratory Checkpoints


The early years SEN team are happy to share the Celebratory Checkpoints. This developmental profile has been created in response to the EYFS reforms and is available free to all Derbyshire providers - both maintained and non-maintained, including childminders.

EYSEN logo

Many of you will have met or worked with our team of specialist teachers and so know that they bring that essential balance of experience and expertise to training. Our training is for all early years staff in the non-maintained sector, foundation stage teachers and practitioners in schools and maintained nursery schools, as well as parents of young children with SEN.

Enabling potential and celebrating success; together we help children learn

The celebratory checkpoints is a working document to be used at a targeted level of support as identified in the SEND Code of Practice Graduated Response.

The Celebratory Checkpoints and a guidance document are available on Derbyshire’s Local Offer: https://localoffer.derbyshire.gov.uk/  or  by contacting the Early Years SEN Helpline (Childrens Services): EarlyYears.SENHelpline@derbyshire.gov.uk

Training will explain how the celebratory checkpoints evolved and how you can use them in your school or setting.  This training is available now to book on Derbyshire EYSEN Service Events | Eventbrite and is being run on the 13th, 14th and 15th October.   The 2 hour session is being repeated at different times of the day to help you find a suitable time to book on. The training will also be available through the EYSEN and SSSEN S4S pages.

The checkpoints draw down from the revised EYFS checkpoints, foundational learning subjects and prime areas to create a discussion platform from which you can draw information to create learning outcomes and make SEN referrals and funding applications for children.

The revised SENCO training includes an introduction to the celebratory checkpoints but specific training will be available during this term - visit us on Eventbrite:   https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/derbyshire-eysen-service-34416713297  

EYFS Network Meetings

Following the success of the free, virtual Network meetings held in the Summer Term we will be organising similar events for the Autumn, week commencing November 8th. 

These Networks provide an opportunity to discuss and share with colleagues from other settings and schools. The theme will be 'The Revised EYFS and how's it going?'

Prior to these events will be Leaders and Managers Briefings on the 20th and 21st of October, featuring:

  • National updates- key messages about the EYFS/Covid etc…
  • Locally- our offer/visits/training
  • Ofsted Updates
  • Safeguarding updates

Watch out for more details on how and when to join. 


Following the partnership working between the Future Shape Group and the Data Hub team looking at Information sharing data legislation in the Early Years Foundation Stage, the Data Hub team are offering a range of bitesize training throughout the autumn on:

  • Confidential Information
  • Social Media
  • Subject Access requests

Take a look at their training Early Years Minibites Training Suite - Education Data Hub


Disclosure & Barring Service Regional Outreach Advisor for the East Midlands

Many employers use DBS checks as part of their safer recruitment practice and in the Early Years sector, this is all the more important because so many of the related roles are working directly with children. This makes it essential to understand what level of DBS check an employee might be eligible for, what roles are defined as “regulated activity” and what to do if a safeguarding issue does occur and you need to make a barring referral to DBS.

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) launched the Regional Outreach team last year to support organisations in understanding these complex areas and to focus on working collaboratively with safeguarding and recruiting organisations at a local level. Lizzie Whittington is the Regional Outreach Advisor for the East Midlands and is available to work closely with organisations in the area to develop relationships and raise awareness of DBS as a safeguarding organisation.

 If you have any questions regarding the Disclosure and Barring Service or would like Lizzie to meet with you and your colleagues to provide training or further information, please contact her directly using the contact details below.

Tel: 03001 052974

Email: Elizabeth.Whittington@dbs.gov.uk / DBSRegionaloutreach@dbs.gov.uk

Early Help Team

The Early Help team have a range of free, virtual training that they offer to all providers in Derbyshire. Their next training is 'The Voice of the Child' which will recap what the term ‘voice of the child’ means and share useful resources to help you capture the voice of the child, regardless of age and level of understanding.

'The Voice of the Child' Free Training- Dates and times:

11th  October                   9:30 - 11:30

18th  October                 16:00 - 18:00

To book a place: Please email your name, email address, role and organisation to CS.BSHQSupport@derbyshire.gov.uk

Virtual Training courses

PSED Intro

PSED Intro - new staff / refresher training

An introduction into early brain development, role of the adult and the importance of connecting with children and their parents/carers.

           12th October; 13:15 - 14:15

OR      10th November, 19:00 - 20:00

Diversity and British Values

Equal Opportunities 1 : Diversity and British Values

This course is held over 2 sessions and provides both a clear introduction and a useful refresher.

Session 1: 18th October 2021; 18:15 - 19:45
Session 2: 1st November 2021; 18:15 - 19:45

Behaviour and Attitudes

Behaviour and Attitudes – Confident, Capable and Caring

This 2 session course explores the Behaviour and Attitudes judgement of the Ofsted Inspection Frameworks for Schools and Early Years settings.

           1st & 15th November; 13:00 - 14:15

Please view and book these courses and many others via our Derbyshire Early Years page on Eventbrite.


For schools, courses are also available through the Derbyshire Services for Schools website.

Follow the us on Eventbrite and also on Twitter, @DerbyshireEYFS, to be alerted when courses become available to book.

SEND courses are also available via Derbyshire EYSEN Service Events | Eventbrite

Also see our Training, consultancy and professional development page on SchoolsNet 

If you cannot see the course you require, please contact the Early Years Service:
email: cs.eys@derbyshire.gov.uk


SchoolsNet logo




Have you discovered all the amazing information and support available on our Early Years SchoolsNet pages? 

If not, click the above link and start exploring! 

Save the page as a 'Favourite' or 'Bookmark' it for quick and easy access.



Finance, business support, early years entitlement funding, contracts & funding audit

please contact via the appropriate email below:

The Early Years Quality Team

Email: CS.EYS@derbyshire.gov.uk

OR Telephone: 01629 532876 leave your name, setting, contact details plus a short message and we will get back to you


Our Twitter account provides the latest news and updates from the Derbyshire County Council Early Years Team.

Follow us on Twitter: @DerbyshireEYFS