I would like to introduce myself, my name is Tony Quilter, and I am the Customer Engagement Officer working within Dartford Borough Council's Housing Services team.
This is a new post and my aim is to improve communication with residents, to drive up tenant satisfaction levels and to increase tenant and leaseholders engagement. I'll be conducting regular inspections of our estates and blocks with a view to identifying our strengths and weaknesses in the provision of the day to the day service we provide. I'll also be working closely with our contractors, including cleaning services, grounds and property maintenance to ensure you're getting the best service possible.
 I want you to feel happy, settled and safe in your home and I want you to be satisfied that we as a housing provider are listening to your views and responding to your concerns whilst treating you fairly and with respect.
The results of the recent tenant and leaseholder’s satisfaction survey shows that we have improved year on year, however we strive to do even better. I think communication is key and you should be updated on a regular basis on what we are doing, how we are doing it and why we are doing it. I know that this is an area we need to improve on and I will be, in the new year, asking you how you want to be kept updated, what is your preferred means of contact and whether you would like to get involved with the Dartford Tenants’ and Leaseholders’ Forum.
We cannot improve the service we provide to you without your input and I hope that you will participate in future surveys or get actively involved with the forum.
I look forward to working with you to improve the service we provide. I can be contacted via email tony.quilter@dartford.gov.uk or telephone 01322 343288.
We've recently appointed a Grounds Maintenance Operative within the Tenancy Services team. Les Cadwallader brings to the team a wealth of knowledge and experience of all things green!
Les works independently of, and in addition to, the existing scheduled grounds maintenance contractor, Continental Landscapes, and will be responsible for improving the standard of communal areas within estates.
This includes weed removal, shrub pruning, leaf clearance, cutting back overgrown vegetation, removal of invasive vegetation and generally making communal areas a nice place for tenants and leaseholders to be.
Les is a fantastic addition to the team and helps us meet our obligations within the Social Housing Charter, especially with regards to improving neighbourhoods and enabling residents to be proud of where they live. We would certainly welcome suggestions from our tenants and leaseholders about how they feel we can enhance communal areas within their locality.