Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board - Safeguarding Adults Week Newsletter

coventry safeguarding adults board

Safeguarding Adults Week 2021

Welcome from the Independent Chair

Welcome to this special edition of the CSAB newsletter, which is focussing on Safeguarding Adults Week. There are different issues highlighted on each day, and there are links to both local and external resources. Please share this with your colleagues and help us to promote this important week in the safeguarding calendar.

Derek B

Safeguarding Adults Week

Safeguarding Adult Week

This year's Safeguarding Adults Week will take place between 15 and 21 November on the theme of Creating Safer Cultures.

Each day, we will focus on a specific topic around this theme. See the Ann Craft Trust Website for more information on events taking place across the week.

Monday - Emotional Abuse and Safeguarding Mental Health

To have safer cultures, we need to prioritise wellbeing, and create a culture where people can speak out, be listened to and respected.

Monday will focus on ways to create safer cultures by safeguarding mental health for both organisations and individuals and will also highlight how to spot the signs of emotional abuse and services available.

Read more information on safeguarding mental health.

Read more information on emotional abuse.

Tuesday- The Power of Language

On Tuesday we will look at the power of language in creating a positive culture and encouraging participation, including looking at respectful language

We will also look at Making Safeguarding Personal and share our resources, including our leaflet and webinars.

Wednesday- Digital Safeguarding

On Wednesday we will share resources about how to create safe spaces online and tips for digital safeguarding.

As part of this digital safeguarding we will also be sharing information about financial abuse and scams, which have evolved in an online space and share resources on how to tackle this.

Thursday- Adult Grooming and the Ann Craft Trust

Many of the types of harm listed in The Care Act, including modern slavery, physical, sexual and financial abuse, can happen as a result of grooming. We will be sharing how to spot the signs of these types of harm, as well as the different forms of grooming.

Friday- Creating Safer Organisational Cultures

Friday's focus aims to promote reflection and learning in safeguarding practice. We will be sharing our own resources as well as the recently published Local Account from Adult Social Care, sharing their success and challenges from the past year.

Saturday and Sunday- Safeguarding and You

Over the weekend we will share resources to help organisations understand what safeguarding is and a safeguarding checklist to help assess whether individual or organisational polices, procedures and practices are effective in safeguarding adults and young people.

Supporting the week

We will be sharing further resources and training opportunities via our social media pages:



You can also keep up to date with what is shared across the week using the hashtags - #SafeguardingAdultsWeek #Safeguarding #SaferCultures #ListenLearnLead

Contact details

Safeguarding Adults - it’s everyone’s business

The City Council website provides additional information on adult safeguarding:

Safeguarding Adults webpage.

If you have concerns about safety and how others treat you / someone else, contact:

Adult Social Care
Tel: 024 7683 3003

Mental Health - Single Point of Entry
Tel: 0300 200 0011

You can also get in touch with the Safeguarding Boards Team regarding matters relating to the Safeguarding Adults Board:

Tel: 024 7683 2568