Welcome to our latest newsletter from the Cheshire East 0-25 SEND Partnership.
Work is continuing at a pace to prepare for a revisit by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission following the inspection of SEND services across Cheshire East in 2018.
We have prepared a self-evaluation report, which was presented to the Cheshire East Council children and families scrutiny committee earlier this month. The report summarises our strengths, areas for development and key priorities for the next 12 months. You can read the report online here.
This along with a number of workshops held this week will inform the updated SEND Partnership strategy where we will coproduce the key priorities for the next 3 – 5 years.
Finally, I recognise that the latest lockdown has been very difficult for everyone, but we are now well into the spring season and Easter is nearly here. So, can I take this opportunity again to thank you for your hard work and commitment to improving services for children and young people with SEND.
Have a lovely Easter break, stay safe and take care.