CFRS Weekly Update - 29.10.2021

Cumbria FRS Update

Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service Weekly Update - 29.10.2021

In this week's update:

Pride of Britain Award Winner

steve wharton

We are very pleased to announce today that Stephen Wharton, Crew Manager at Appleby Fire Station has been awarded The Pride of Britain Award within the Emergency Services Category.

The award is for Stephen’s courageous act when he rescued a 13 year-old boy who was drowning in the River Eden in February 2019.

I’d like to congratulate Stephen for this fantastic achievement and also the entire Appleby crew who also assisted at the incident that day. This was a first-class rescue and the way in which Stephen and the combined efforts of the Appleby crew dealt with a very high-pressured situation was exemplary. It was an act of bravery which is thoroughly deserving of the award.

The Pride of Britain Awards will be broadcast on ITV 1 on 4th November at 8pm.

John Beard, Chief Fire Officer

pride of britain

The Fire Fighters Charity Countywide Car Wash

the fire fighters charity logo

As you may be aware, I have taken over from Group Manager John Wall as The Fire Fighter Charity Service Promotions Coordinator. The Service would like to thank John for all of his commitment over the years to help raise thousands of pounds for the Charity.

As our next Service fundraising challenge, I would like to start with organising a Countywide Car Wash on the weekend of 13th-14th November (Red Watch days on 13th and White Watch days on 14th), where we will also be offering tyre safety advice to our communities.

Could I please encourage as many Stations as possible to participate in the event and for those Stations to nominate a point of contact to enable me to arrange the appropriate Risk Assessments, Insurance and to provide further details. You can contact me via:

Further promotion of the Countywide Car Wash will follow as soon as we have all details from Stations participating. Thank you.

Paul Milburn, Station Manager

Help us make a difference and join our Recruitment Champions Team

Are you passionate about creating a truly diverse and inclusive workplace? Are you willing to engage with our diverse communities in Cumbria and tell them about various career opportunities within CFRS? Are you proactive and have ideas on how we could improve our existing Wholetime and On-Call recruitment processes? We need you to help us make a difference!

positive action header

Open to all members of staff, we invite you to join our Recruitment Champions Team (working group) and help us to shape the future of our workforce. Your support will enable US to:

  • Facilitate positive action campaigns
  • Facilitate online workshops and information sessions
  • Create and gather content for recruitment leaflets and posters
  • Became a buddy/mentor to applicants form underrepresented groups
  • Support various recruitment campaigns
  • Create video tutorials

To express your interest, please email by Monday 8th November. The first meeting will be held at Penrith (or via MS Teams) on 10th November at 5pm, come along to find out more.

This work will be in addition to your usual day job, so please ensure you discuss this development opportunity with your Line Manager. If there are any questions, please contact Mohammed Dhalech or myself via:

Liana Selecka-Jones, Station Manager - People, Development & Assurance

Operational Learning Update

Two Safety Flashes have been released on Learn Pro within the Operational Service Updates - Safety Flashes section of the system and are mandatory for all staff to read. These are:

  • Safety Flash 033 - Use of P3 Respirators
  • Safety Flash 034 - Adverse Safety Events

Ryan Hull-Nash, Risk Technician - People, Development & Assurance

National Operational Guidance - Water Rescue


The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has recently conducted an extensive review of water rescue incidents where Fire and Rescue Service incident commanders have committed crew members into water to search for and attempt the rescue and recovery of submerged casualties. Many of the incidents reviewed involved firefighters entering the water without the correct PPE.

Operational discretion has been used to determine the methods of water rescue used for unusual or unforeseeable incidents. HSE now believe this is an outdated concept it is “no longer appropriate for crews to be committed to water” under the guidance of operational discretion.

As with all incidents, Incident commanders must assess the amount of risk firefighters can justifiably be exposed to.  During water incidents considerations such as the length of time the casualty has been under the water, the temperature of the water and the individual circumstances of the rescue should dictate actions.  If survivability is unlikely firefighters should not be put in undue risk. A survivability model has been produced to assist with this decision, it is available in the SOP: Water and Flooding.

For submerged casualties specifically, HSE offer up the following criteria once proper risk assessment has been carried out:

  • The rescue crew must be suitably trained and equipped to operate in the environment where the rescue is required.
  • PPE should never be removed to conduct a rescue.
  • Rescue should be conducted on the surface of the water. If this is not possible, rescues should be attempted by keeping physical contact or using tools designed for water rescue, such as reach tools.

Further information can be found via this link: National Operational Guidance Learning.

Service Support

Women in the Fire Service Update

women in the fire service logo

Here are the latest updates from Women in the Fire Service (WFS) on their upcoming events, programmes and activities:

Podcast - WFS have released their first-ever podcast series - the Future Firefighter Podcast Series for aspiring firefighters. They will be releasing one episode per month up to March 2022. Available on their website here.

Awards - The Women in the Fire Service Awards are back. Open to entries from 1st November 2021 with winners announced in 2022. We’re also looking for sponsors for our individual categories. Details on our website. Thanks for your support last year, we hope you'll nominate and help spread the word.

Newsletter - You can sign up to receive the WFS newsletter here.

Future Firefighter Programme - The third Positive Action Future Firefighter Programme is coming up in January 2022. The programme is open to the public and is designed for people who dream of being a firefighter, but need some help and advice to take the next steps. This free online event is aimed at all genders from underrepresented groups.  Booking opens soon.

Women in the Fire Service

National Safeguarding Adults Week 2021: Lunchtime learning sessions

national safeguarding adults week

This year National Safeguarding Adults Week 2021 will take place between 15th and 21st November 2021.  This is a time for organisations to come together to raise awareness of safeguarding issues, facilitate conversations and share best safeguarding practice. 

We hope the week of raising awareness will enable more organisations and individuals to feel confident in recognising signs of abuse and neglect, recording and reporting safeguarding concerns.

During the week, Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board will share daily messages on their social media and themed 5 minute briefings in line with the national themes supported by The Ann Craft Trust. 

In addition, they are offering practitioners the chance to come together virtually to attend a lunch time learning session. You can find out about the sessions here.

Mark Clement, Strategic Fire Service Reform Manager

Blue Light Together - a new hub for mental health information and support

Mind, in partnership with The Fire Fighters Charity, The Royal Foundation, The Ambulance Staff Charity and Police Care UK have created one place that brings all mental health and wellbeing information together, specifically for emergency service responders.

Here, you’ll find specialised information and advice to support emergency responders with mental health, and real life stories and tips from colleagues working in the field.

It’s important to protect your mental health as best you can – on a daily basis. Find out more from Mind's Blue Light Together here.

blue light together - MIND