CFRS Weekly Update - 24.09.2021

Cumbria FRS Update

Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service Weekly Update - 24.09.2021

In this week's update:

An update on Local Government Reorganisation (LGR)

LGR logo

The Programme Board met again this week and the team is really starting to make progress on some of the key issues. You can read a further update here.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact your Line Manager or any member of our SLT.

Brian Steadman, Deputy Chief Fire Officer

Freezing issues with the new Mobile Data Terminals

Since the new Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs) have been fitted to the fire appliances, there has been some issues with the screen freezing and personnel not being able to update anything on screen.

This problem has been escalated to our software providers who are working on a solution and our ICT team have found a temporary solution to address the issue. The MDT will now reboot every morning at 07:30hrs preventing the freezing issue, however when it reboots it will not update the status. Please can all crews update the status at their earliest opportunity.

Be assured that this will not effect any mobilisations as the status at North West Fire Control is managed by Gartan.

Craig Phillips, Watch Manager - Service Support

Q7 Maintenance of Skills programme


The Q7 Maintenance of Skills (MOS) presentation will be delivered via MS Teams on Monday 27th September at 19:00hrs. The session will be recorded for anyone who is unable to attend. You can access the meeting link on the following document: Q7 MOS Presentation.

If you have any questions, please contact myself via:

William Watson, Watch Manager - People, Development & Assurance

Incident Command Level 1 – Skills Development Workshops

incident command

Following from the success of the first Skills Development Workshops aimed at Level 1 Incident Commanders, the Incident Command Team in People, Development and Assurance are about to begin delivery of the next workshop.

This workshop will focus on situational awareness and information gathering in the context of the Decision Control Process.

Participants in the first workshop enjoyed the scenario based interactive style used and this will continue.

The second Skills Development Workshops will again be delivered using MS Teams from early October into December. In order to make the workshops as accessible as possible, they are being offered on different days in both afternoon and evening sessions.

These workshops are open to all established and developing Level 1 Incident Commanders and are now available to book on PDR-Pro. You will be sent an MS Teams diary invite prior to the event.

For further information, please contact the Incident Command Team at:

Graham Watson, Incident Command Manager  - People, Development & Assurance

Firefighter Pensions Schemes bulletin - out now

Colleagues should be aware that a new Firefighters’ Pensions Schemes bulletin has been issued by the Firefighters Pension Scheme Advisory Board. You can view the bulletin here:

Sandra Sedgwick, Senior Advisor - Pensions

Thank you for your Service Emma Craghill

emma craghill leaving presentation

Staveley Fire Station said goodbye to Firefighter Emma Craghill this week. Emma is leaving the Service to pursue a career as a Paramedic.

Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service and Cumbria County Council would like to thank Emma for her contributions to the Service and we wish Emma every success for the future.

Paul Dean, Station Manager (Temporary) - Cluster 5