The start of every school year is filled with opportunity and potential, but this year is a little different. We have the chance to strive forwards positively following the challenges of the previous two years and I feel confident that we can continue to work together to make this year a year for achievements and continued improvements. Of course, there are still challenges in the system, which is why we have refreshed the focus of our SEND strategic action plan moving in to Phase 2 with some specific areas of direction for improvements for Peterborough. We have plans to increase communications about the progress of Phase 2 and hope we will be able to collect feedback and views from you as we meet the challenges.
I would like to thank everyone for their contributions to Newsletter, with particular thanks to Scope for sharing how the community for our disabled young people can be supported, especially those aged 18-25. This will be a key focus for us this year and we hope to be able to work closely with Sophie and her team to continue to make improvements for those aged 18+.
I would also like to encourage you to sign up to the Family Voice events and look out for opportunities to come and meet myself, members of the SEND, social care teams and health teams at future Parent Carer listening meetings, the first one on 6th October was extremely useful in identifying themes for us to focus on and support. We welcome the opportunity to hear directly from you, whenever we can. Thank you to Family Voice for arranging these opportunities.
Finally, thank you to all Parent carers and young people for your continued support and resilience, encouraging the continued progress for all our young people with SEND, I would like to acknowledge the difficult challenges you face, and I remain humbled and privileged to be able to work alongside and as an advocate for you and your families.
Toni Bailey
Assistant Director of SEND & Inclusion
SEND Strategy – Making SEND Everybody’s Business – Phase 2 update
On 12 September separate workshops were held to agree the focus for the next 12-month period of the SEND Strategy Action Plan, which will be Phase 2 of the overall strategy. Phase 1 took place over the period of time where the pandemic was the focal point and while much progress was supported across the action plan in Phase 1, Phase 2 will now represent the focus on change at pace with more specific action points for partners to work on during the next 12-month period.
Separate workshops were undertaken for Peterborough and Cambridgeshire, recognising that while we agree that the focus priority areas should remain shared, the specific actions needed to support each of the authorities need to be different to support the individual needs of Peterborough and Cambridgeshire.
Co-production has remained a key focus, hence the stakeholder approach that has been followed. Following the initial workshops, the focus areas for Peterborough were agreed as:
Theme 1: SEND is Everybody’s Business
- Information about SEND System is clear and assessable to parents / carers and processes are as straightforward as possible, particularly in relation to SEN Support.
- Information and training is available to support parents / professionals / young people / wider stakeholders
- There is a range of ways of engaging well with parents / professionals / wider stakeholders.
Theme 2 : Identify and respond to needs early
- Needs are identified as early as possible and addressed with effective SEND support processes
- Integrated working provides a high quality EHC needs assessment, plans and annual reviews that conform to statutory expectations and requirements
- Health organisations are well managed and the impact is minimised as much as possible
- Transitions are well managed
Theme 3 : Deliver in the right place at the right time
- Effective quality assurance processes are in place that ensure provision of services are high quality, value for money and meet agreed outcomes.
- Access Routes to support are clear and timely
- Criteria for and use of personal budgets across education, health and social care is clear and understood.
The final action plan with details of actions and timescales will be finalised and shared on the SEND Information Hub in November and regular updates will be provided in our next newsletters.
Peterborough SEN and Inclusion Service (SENI) brochure - 2022/23
The Peterborough SEN and Inclusion Services brochure is now available on the Peterborough Information Network for this Academic year is now available. This is a guide to our services with information and FAQs on each service as well as structure charts for the whole service, which have been updated for this academic year.
If you have a query regarding the service, you will most likely find it on this brochure ranging from contact details to service information.
Scope’s Youth Community Collective
Scope's Youth Community Collective will bring together young people. The aim is to improve their local community for disabled people. You will choose the challenges you want to take on in your local community. Scope will support you with bringing about change. Get together with other like-minded people and make your local community better. You and the group you are working with will initially meet every month. Scope will work with your group on the best format for these meetings. Group meetings are where you design projects and act on issues that matter the most. Working as a team to achieve your goals.
Who can join the programme?
It’s for you if you:
- want to create a better community for disabled people
- live in Peterborough
- are a disabled or non-disabled young person
- are between 18 and 25 years old
Please contact sophie.pearson@scope.org.uk for more information.
Scope’s Community Engagement Programme
Scope's Community Engagement programme empowers local people to take action and create change in their local communities. The programme is for disabled adults aged over 25, families, parents and unpaid carers of disabled children. Groups of local people meet once a month at an informal gathering where they can meet new people and find out about a range of planned activities. Each area has a programme of planned activities and some campaigns designed and developed by local people.
Examples of planned local activities and campaigns include:
- sleep workshops for parents
- disability awareness training for local retailers
- art workshops
- accessible allotments
Please contact sophie.pearson@scope.org.uk for more information
Project Search - Supporting our internships into employment in the NHS
Peterborough City Council is delighted to support ‘Project Search’ as the licence holder supporting provision of eight work placements for our SEND Young Adults in the NHS for this academic year.
Eight young adults were selected onto this programme and their first day in their NHS placements at Peterborough City Hospital went brilliantly. Feedback from their placement supervisors said they all surpassed expectations. The departments and job roles included: Data Quality, informatics training, organisational development, patient records, rehabilitation assistant and young people transition care
To be considered for this supported internship programme candidates must:
· be aged 16-24
· have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC plan)
· be travel trained or be willing to take part in travel training
· have a desire to achieve paid employment of 16 or more hours a week
We are committed to supporting the programme for the next three years and hope to increase the number of internships year on year and widen the NHS departments and roles.
Post 16 Education Offer for 2022/23
The post 16 Education Offer for SEND cohort of young adults for this academic year is now available on the Peterborough Information Network - SEND Information Hub.
We would like to thank all of pot 16 providers for ensuring the courses offered meet their ever-changing needs and clarifying progression routes.
SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service)
SENDIASS Peterborough (formally Parent Partnership) has joined teams with Cambridgeshire SENDIASS to provide information, advice and support for parents, children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. We offer impartial advice to empower young people and their families to express their views, be aware of their rights and to ensure their educational needs are met whilst navigating through the SEN process. Our service supports young people and their families to work collaboratively with other professionals, such as schools, children’s services and healthcare providers. Young people and their families are at the heart of all we do and our aim is to resolve disagreements and find positive outcomes in a timely manner. We have a new Deputy Manager, Angela Buxton, who is passionate about supporting our young people and will always offer you a warm welcome.
For further information, please visit Peterborough’s Local Offer at https://fis.peterborough.gov.uk/kb5/peterborough/directory/home.page
Contact us at: 01733 863979
Email: SENDIASS@peterborough.gov.uk
Peterborough and Stamford College Open days 22/23
Please find below the open events for Peterborough and Stamford Colleges.
Visit Peterborough College to meet the tutors, explore our campus and learn about our facilities. All open events start from 5.30pm and finish at 7.30pm.
Upcoming open event dates:
- Tuesday 15 November 2022
- Thursday 2 February 2023
- Tuesday 14 March 2023
- Tuesday 23 May 2023
To attend an open event at Peterborough College, register here - https://peterborough.ac.uk/events/openevents/
Visit Stamford College to meet the tutors, explore our campus and learn about our facilities.
All open events start from 5.30pm and finish at 7.30pm.
Upcoming open event dates:
- Thursday 3 November 2022
- Wednesday 11 January 2023
- Tuesday 21 March 2023
- Thursday 25 May 2023
To attend an open event at Stamford College, register here - https://www.stamford.ac.uk/events/openevents
The new #IfInDoubtCheckItOut campaign about the early warning signs of cerebral palsy will help to promote earlier identification by parents and front-line professionals. It will also ensure that more children with motor conditions get access to the care and attention they need at a point when it can have the most long-term positive impact on their life chances.
This study investigates the levels and causes of school attendance and elective home education one year after COVID-19 for children with neurodevelopmental conditions.
School attendance and elective home education one year after COVID-19: research with children with neurodevelopmental conditions.
Speech and Language UK - 1.7 million young futures
Speech and Language UK have conducted a report with their findings and recommendations after surveying more than 1000 families and teacher. The report states that 1.7 million children are struggling with talking and understanding words in the UK right now. The report and recommendations are available on the Speech and Language UK website.
Supporting Children and Young People with Situational (Selective) Mutism
A new framework for Supporting Children and Young People with Situational (Selective) Mutism has been devised by health and education professionals within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. This has been in consultation with parent/carer support services, in order to ensure that it is easy to follow and offers clear guidance on how to support a child or young person with Situational (Selective) Mutism.
The information will increase your awareness and how to identify Situational (Selective) Mutism at the earliest opportunity. The second part of the framework provides more detailed guidance on implementing a small steps programme of intervention.
A diagnosis is not needed for the adults around the child or young person to access the support recommended on the framework.
Consultation with our young adults
We are hoping to consult with our young adults in number of ways this year. We are delighted to be holding an in-person event again at the Fleet in November for 50 young adults across the city aged 14-25 years.
Annual PfA Youth Consultation Event, Monday 28 November, AM, The Fleet
Young people ages 14+ from schools and colleges across Peterborough will be invited to the annual PfA Youth Consultation event where they will have the opportunity to share their views, experiences, and needs around transitioning into adulthood by taking part in interactive discussions and activities.
Focus groups with 18–25-year-olds, October 2022-June 2023
October 2022: Introductory in-person focus group with young people from City College and Peterborough College on all four Preparation for Adulthood areas. During this event, we will also recruit to our new Preparation for Adulthood SEND Youth Voice group.
Preparing for Adulthood Transitions Roadshow - Summer 2023
Coffee shop after dark at City College open to 14 to 17-year-olds with learning disabilities
The Coffee Shop After Dark is run by Access Champions, a group of young adults with learning disabilities whose aim is to increase opportunities across Peterborough for people with learning disabilities. These social events are available for 14 – 17-year-olds with learning disabilities and occurs at the end of each half term, between 6.30 – 8.30pm across the City College Peterborough campuses.
Parents are welcome to leave their children as all staff and Access Champions are fully trained and DBS checked. A tuck shop will be available for purchasing food and drinks.
Please email AChampion@citycollegepeterborough.ac.uk or message Access Champions or Coffee Shop After Dark on Facebook.
Family Voice Events
Family Voice are a local registered charity who are actively seeking to improve services in all areas of the lives of children and young people with disabilities or additional needs. They support parents and carers of children and young people aged 0—25 years with a disability or additional needs.
Family Voice have a full calendar of events online.
Mental Wellbeing (Looking after you, a Focus on Self Care, Using HeartMath) - 22 November 2022, 10am - 2pm
Virtual meeting (Zoom)
When we cannot avoid caring for others, how can we ensure we look after ourselves? Choosing techniques, strategies that you can easily incorporate into your life, creating a template / vision board that can be used to focus your energies more positively. A relaxing workshop for creating calmer solutions and outcomes. (A piece of cardboard or a pinboard, paper, pens/ pencils, some relaxing images maybe helpful for this workshop)
Register online
Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) Task and Finish Group for Parents/Carers
28 November 2022, 11am - 12pm
Virtual meeting (Teams) option
At Family Voice we recognise that PfA is a concern for our parent carers, and we would like to work together to alleviate some of the pressures they are experiencing. We would like to invite you to our task and finish Group at Goldhay Community Centre (however if you are unable to attend in person we can also offer a Teams meeting at the same time). Please note that booking is essential in order for us to manage number at our venue. This is looking at a wider PfA offer across health, education, communities and independent living.
Register online
SHCF - Challenges & Issues of Palliative & End of Life Care
29 November 2022, 11am - 12.30pm
Virtual meeting (Zoom)
Challenges & Issues of Palliative & End of Life Care – What it is? Stages & Forms, when does the care begin? Who provides? How do I find out about the End of Life Care Services in my area? Planning ahead. What to expect? Getting the best out of Palliative care – palliative care at home/NHS. Recovering from End of Life Care. Help with funerals & grieve.
Register online
Parent/Carer Listening Event
8 December 2022, 1pm - 2.30pm
Virtual meeting (Zoom)
A series of listening events have been set up for parent/carers to get involved and share their experiences of SEND in Peterborough. This will support parent/carers from all communities to attend should they wish. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure that Peterborough City Council’s (PCC) SEND, Inclusion and Social Care service meet with individual parent/carers to understand their lived experience. PCC would like to work with the parent/carers to improve the co-production between PCC and parent/carers which will result in achieving the best outcomes for our children and young people. No need to book, simply click on the link provided and at the start of the session and have a chat, raise any concerns and share your views of services.
Join the teams meeting