TDCJ Volunteer Newsletter January 2014

Texas Department of Criminal Justice Volunteer Services

Volunteer Services Newsletter January 2014

Bus Station Ministry - Kingwood United Methodist Church

Texas Department of Criminal Justice releasees arrive at the Greyhound station from a Houston-area women's facility, most are overwhelmed and scared.  "Welcome in the name of Jesus Christ", is the greeting that is heard.  The women are escorted to a service center, provided lunch and asked to choose an outfit, shoes and tote bag for their travels out of Houston.  Volunteers pray and encourage them before they are sent to their next destination.  Sometimes, an indigent woman is escorted to a shelter such as the Salvation Army's Sally's House transitional shelter.  The Bus Ministry has existed for 6 years and is organized and funded by volunteers from the Kingwood United Methodist Church and Kingwood Christian Church

More than 80 ex-offenders are met each month and guided through a safe release.  The Bus Ministry is wishing to expand their services beyond just Wednesdays and Fridays to include Monday - Friday.  Want to learn how you can help?

Volunteers Needed

The C.T. Terrell Unit located in Rosharon, Texas is in need of volunteers wishing to facilitate a KAIROS community.  Learn more...  

Contact person:   Assist. Warden Beard


colorbooks and crayons

TDCJ Employees Collect Craft Supplies for Child-Friendly Visitation

The TDCJ Contracts and Procurement Department collected coloring books and crayons during the Christmas holidays in an effort to provide a more child-friendly environment during weekend visitation.  Thanks to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for donating a large number of coloring books for this purpose. 

If you are interested in donating to this program you are encouraged to visit with the unit warden at the facility you actively volunteer at or contact Volunteer Services

Happy New Year From Stacie Woods

I can't believe I have served a whole year as the Volunteer Services Director.  The old saying is true, time really does fly when you are having fun, especially if you are doing what you love to do.  I know that I have not had the pleasure of meeting every volunteer, but it is not from a lack of trying.  This past year proved to be a very busy time, I attended many banquets, volunteer appreciations, facilitated volunteer trainings and participated in multiple staff trainings all in an effort to better support YOU and the needs of the agency. 

2014 is here and as a fellow volunteer I know that with each year we are tasked with renewing and reassessing our volunteer commitments.  On behalf of the agency please know that we are thankful for what you are doing and we strive to ensure your experience is a positive and safe one. 

There are a few changes volunteers can look forward to in the new year.  One is already in effect, the newly revised Volunteer Handbook (rev. Oct 2013).  As a volunteer you should become very familiar with the handbook.  Another change is a new volunteer training video.  The new video is expected to be used in trainings in/or around April 2014.  I sincerely hope that if you need my assistance or the assistance from a volunteer services staff member you do not hesitate to call us at 936-437-3026.  Remember we are here to serve YOU.