While sitting with all-time NFL great Bill
Glass, an all-pro defensive end for the 1964 World Champion Cleveland Browns, he
spoke about the love that he had for individuals that do not attend church. Billy
Graham invited Bill Glass to speak at his first city-wide revival in 1965 from
Mile High stadium in Denver, Colorado. Glass
spent the off season at Southwestern Theological
Seminary and was following Billy Graham’s encouragement to evangelize. As I sat listening
to Bill speak about his concern for people, I quickly heard his heart and passion
was to minister.
Billy Graham introducing Bill Glass in 1965 from Mile High stadium.
retiring in 1968, Bill started the next chapter of his life. He founded the Bill Glass Evangelistic
Association, which today is known as, “Bill Glass Behind The Walls.” In July
of 1972, Bill began ministering in prisons. Today, Bill
Glass has ministered in thousands of prisons all across the country. Sharing
his passion for evangelism, the ministry focuses on training volunteers how to
share their faith in Jesus Christ. In 45 years of ministry, over one
million adult and youth offenders have made decisions to follow Christ.
shared his strategy with me. “Individuals don’t often share their faith because
they don’t know how.” Bill explained his
strategy by using a fishing analogy. “If you take somebody to a good fishing
pond and they catch a few fish, they will fish for life,” said Bill. “Once they
catch, they will visit different ponds.” In summary, the good fishing pond is the
prison yard and the volunteer is the one fishing. If a volunteer shares their
faith and they are successful ministering in prison, they will start sharing
their faith everywhere. The volunteer will become an evangelist in their
family, work and community.
On my return to Huntsville after the visit, I pondered on how
many people have been ignited in prison ministry by Bill Glass… simply millions
I suspect. When one thinks about a
farmer and how a crop is planted and cultivated, one can see that a farmer has
the opportunity to watch the crop grow into maturity. In harvest season, the farmer reaps the
reward of the seed that was planted. The one seed has now multiplied into a
crop which can be harvested and enjoyed in the next season. Bill has planted seeds for forty–five years
and now we see a greater harvest for us to continue. A couple of spiritual farmers
that Bill has motivated come to mind, such as - Chuck Colson, the founder of
Prison Fellowship and Mike Barber of Mike Barber Ministries.
Bill Glass ministering to individuals incarcerated.
TDCJ greatly appreciates
volunteers who work with us to make a difference, by planting positive seeds of
encouragement. As we learn about this
ministry, we see that it is a good example of restorative justice. We applaud
the following stakeholders in this ministry: Bill Glass for following the call
of evangelism ministering to volunteers, staff, and offenders; TDCJ Executive
leadership for their strong support of volunteer chaplaincy programs; approved
volunteers for answering the call to partner with Behind the Walls; and the
community for supporting Bill’s vision of ministering to everyone.
It was an honor to sit and
listen to the words of wisdom that poured from this great man of God. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice wishes Mr. Bill
Glass a Happy 45th Anniversary for his contributions to the
Kingdom. Fellow
volunteers, I leave you with the following quote from Bill Glass as he stood in
front of a stadium of people in Colorado in 1965. “A Christian is not one who withdraws but one who infiltrates.”
This is only
one of many stories in which volunteers are making a positive impact.
Volunteers, from my desk to yours, I thank you for making a difference! To read more about Bill Glass Behind the Walls.
Clint D. Morris, Volunteer Services Director
From left to right: TBCJ Chairman Dale Wainwright, Keynote Speaker Judge Sharon Keller, "Bridges to Life" founder John Sage, former TBCJ Chairman Carol S. Vance and TDCJ Executive Director Bryan Collier
Governor's Criminal Justice Volunteer Service Awards are a collaborative effort
between the Office of Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Board of Criminal
Justice (TBCJ). These awards are designated to honor volunteers who have made
an outstanding contribution to the mission of the Texas Department of Criminal
Justice (TDCJ) to provide public safety, promote positive change in behavior,
reintegrate offenders into society, and assist victims of crime. This
presentation has become a time honored tradition and a highlight for the TBCJ
and the TDCJ.
awards were presented by TBCJ Chairman Honorable Dale Wainwright, and TDCJ
Executive Director Bryan Collier during a ceremony held in Austin on April 6,
2017. Read more about this years recipients.
Texas Ministries is a six month residential Christ-centered Restoration
program. RTM works with men from all walks of life; their education and life
training is as varied as they are. RTM has a welding school and carpentry
shop to enhance or learn a trade. Many,
but not all, residents have had addiction in their pasts. Therefore, the ministry offers a wide range
of spiritual developmental opportunities such as church attendance,
men's Bible studies, Overcomers Addiction Recovery program, chaplain
visitation, counseling services and more. Our desire is to see each man fully
restored and actively participating as a productive citizen in society.
program is unique in the fact that it enables participants to gain the necessary
skills to re-establish themselves in society.
Upon graduating the RTM program, men receive financial assistance and
Job placement services. "This rehabilitative program focuses on building the men’s moral and
spiritual character, providing job skills, and preparing them for a successful
life," states Monte Robinson, President of RTM.
“Our motto is - training men in life and work.” Click here for more information.
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) would like to partner with you as a volunteer. If you would like more information about a specific program please feel free to click on any of the following areas of interest for more information:
• Parole
• Reentry and Integration
• Rehabilitation Programs
• Victim Services
• Windham School District
To learn more about becoming a TDCJ volunteer visit the TDCJ website and click on the Unit Directory to identify a facility near you. If you would like to discuss the specific volunteer needs for the facility, please feel free to contact the Unit Administration or the Chaplain. You can also visit the Volunteer Services webpage by clicking on Volunteer with the TDCJ. You are encouraged to complete a Volunteer Application and take the application to a Volunteer Training/Orientation site near you. You may search the Volunteer Training/Orientation schedule by date or by city.