METRO Wins National Award for Bus Safety & Security Efforts During Harvey

2016 press release

Media Hot Line 713.739.4040 

Release Date: 
May 9, 2018


The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) is the region’s largest public transit provider, offering safe, reliable and affordable transportation services about 370,000 times per day. Besides operating more than 1,200 buses on METRO’s network, METRORail's system includes the Red Line (Main Street and Northline), Green Line (East End) and Purple Line (Southeast). METRO’s services also include: STAR VanpoolMETROLiftHOV/HOT lanesBike & Ride program, Park & Ride, and road improvement projects. Learn more about METRO services at where you will also find useful tools like the RideMETRO app where you can plan your trip and even pay your fare from your phone.

METRO Takes Top Honors in National Safety and Security Competition

APTA officials present Gold Award to METRO staff members.

The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) has awarded the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) with its highest honor for bus safety and security excellence. METRO has been named the winner of APTA’s 2018 Bus Security Gold Award for transit agencies with more than 20 million passenger trips annually. 

Each year, the organization recognizes bus transportation and paratransit systems that have implemented programs or projects that have achieved documented success in addressing specific safety or security program areas. 

"It is an honor to be the 2018 recipient of this national award,” said METRO President & CEO Tom Lambert. “This was a team effort and would not have been possible if it were not for the commitment of the METRO Board and dedication exhibited by employees throughout this organization.”

Sean Cagan, METRO’s Chief Safety Officer, accepted the award. 

“Safety is a priority for all of us at METRO. It’s something we’re focused on every day," said Cagan. “It’s incredibly rewarding to look back and see how many people we helped and the positive impact METRO made on this region during such a challenging time.”

APTA chose METRO due to the way the agency successfully managed its response to Hurricane Harvey. Examples of METRO's bus safety and security efforts before, during and after Hurricane Harvey included:

  • Moving 120 buses to higher ground before the storm, saving $76 million worth of assets. 
  • The transport of more than 15,000 displaced residents to emergency shelters.
  • Strategic planning and nimble response, which allowed METRO to deploy buses back onto routes five days after the storm hit.
  • Around-the-clock communications efforts that resulted in a total of 17 news releases, 842 Twitter posts, 257 Facebook posts and 104 service alerts.
  • Providing free rides to students after Harvey.

To view a copy of APTA’s press release, click here.

Buses Lined Up
Houston Chronicle documents METRO's response effort to Hurricane Harvey.