PL 17-24 – All Providers are Required to Redo Nurse Aide Registry (NAR) Searches Conducted from June 14, 2017, through August 3, 2017

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Providers who use the Nurse Aide Registry (NAR) are being asked to immediately redo all NAR searches conducted from June 14, 2017, through August 3, 2017, to verify the employability of nurse aides they have hired. While the system is now fully updated, a contractor error in uploading names to the Nurse Aide Registry Credential Management System and Employability Status Check Search during that time period means any NAR searches conducted during this period could be invalid.

To check the status of a nurse aide, please visit the Nurse Aide Registry Credential Management System or the Employability Status Check Search System. The latter system consolidates the checks of the Nurse Aide Registry, Medication Aide Registry and Employee Misconduct Registry. Every provider must maintain a copy of the new results of each search in the facility's or individual employer's books and records.

Additional information can found in Provider Letter 17-24 issued by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.

Thank you for your cooperation. Questions can be emailed to

Addressed to:

  • All Providers Who Use the Nurse Aide Registry

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