 FWPD West Division Newsletter
March 2025
LTV Rise hosts annual community safety pop up fair
Despite the inclement weather, the spirit and enthusiasm of the agencies and volunteers at LVT Rise's Community Safety Pop Up Fair remained unwavering. The event drew approximately twenty agencies, offering valuable insights to the community on a wide range of topics including education, finances, health, jobs, and safety. Multiple departments from the City of Fort Worth were in attendance, such as Code Compliance, Fort Worth Fire Department (FWFD), and Fort Worth Police Department (FWPD). Entertainment was provided by a DJ, while Austin's Underdogs served a hot meal to attendees. McGruff the Crime Dog made a special appearance, greeting visitors and adding to the excitement. The event was particularly enjoyable for children, who delighted in activities like balloon artistry, face painting, and the Cook Children's Build a Bear station.
Habitat for Humanity - Aspiring homeowners attend home safety and security presentation
On March 1, 2025, (18) soon-to-be homeowners attended a home and personal security presentation. Crime Prevention Specialist Steve Mitsuhashi and NPO Grinalds (L16) spoke to the attendees on how to "harden the target" by adding "layers of protection" to minimize the chances of their home or the occupants of the home from becoming a victim of a crime.
Keith House hosts "Come to Good" exhibit
K17 NPO Janzen attended the Keith House "Come to Good" art exhibit by James Turrell on February 8, 2025. The exhibit features artificial and natural light sources revealed around a square shaped hole in the ceiling with an open roof, as depicted in three of the photos below. Addressing the guest in the photo upper left is Adelaide Leavens President of the Meta Alice Keith Bratton Foundation, which gifted the Keith House and the artwork as a meeting place for nonprofit groups. Two violinists, Michael Shih and DJ Cheek from the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, performed a musical interlude for those in attendance.
New NPO for K16 hosts Coffee with a COP.
Newly appointed NPO Lawton Klein (K16) hosted his first Coffee with COP event at Starbucks 5901 Camp Bowie Blvd. Approximately 30 customers stopped by to visit with the officers, ask questions, and initiate discussions about topics that were of particular interest to them.
Crime Free Multi Housing Safety Social celebrated at Fairview Retirement Community
Residents of Fairview Retirement Community celebrated the completion of Phase III of the Crime Free Multi Housing program by hosting a Safety Social. NPO Pennington (L14) awarded the certificate to Dena Shannon (Housing Manager) for completing all 3 phases of the program. After enjoying a delicious meal, residents had an opportunity to learn about various crime prevention tips that they could employ to keep themselves and their property safe.
Scam Alerts
Don't scan QR codes on unexpected packages
A package you didn’t order could be a fun surprise, but be careful – especially if it comes with a QR code. It might be the setup for a scam. In a "brushing" scam, you receive a package you didn’t order, often without a return address. This is often a setup by unscrupulous companies who found your address online. After the company ships the product to you, they can post a fake, positive review on your behalf to improve their store’s ratings and get more sales. Reports to BBB Scam Tracker over the last few months show a twist on brushing scams where the package contains a QR code. The code comes with instructions to scan it to find out who sent the package or how to start a return. Scanning the QR code can lead to a phishing website or download malware onto your device. In one BBB Scam Tracker report, a consumer received a package of pasta via Amazon in her name. Thinking it was a gift from a friend, she scanned the QR code that came with the package. The QR code took her to a website that appeared to be Amazon. The consumer said she has received a higher-than-normal amount of scam emails since scanning the QR code. In another BBB Scam Tracker report, a consumer received a ring in the mail that he did not order. The ring came with a QR code. The consumer checked BBB Scam Tracker before scanning the code, and after reading other reports about brushing scams, he decided not to scan it. It might seem like there are no downsides to a free package, but it could be a sign that someone is using your personal information for their own gain. If this happens to you, BBB recommends checking the security of your accounts and notifying the retailer who sent you the package.
What to do if you receive a package you didn't order
Don’t scan QR codes. They might take you to a phishing site that steals your personal information or download malware onto your device.
Protect your identity. If you did scan the QR code and enter personal information, change your passwords for any accounts that may have been compromised, and enable two-factor authentication. Keep a close eye on your credit reports and credit card bills after you receive the package.
Notify the retailer. If you can tell where the package is from, go directly to the retailer’s website to get their contact information and report the package as a scam. Retailers like Amazon have policies banning brushing and fake reviews, and they will investigate your report.
Check for fake reviews. If you can identify the company that sent you the packages, look for false reviews in your name and report them to the retailer.
Pause deliveries. One package is no big deal, but some targets of brushing scams are overwhelmed with a floor of unordered packages, creating a serious problem. If this happens, you may want to consider temporarily refusing package delivery at your home address and directing your real orders to a package acceptance service.
Keep the package. The one silver lining of brushing scams is that you get to keep the gift – the Federal Trade Commission says you have a legal right to keep unordered merchandise. Don’t try to return it, especially if there are instructions to scan a QR code or enter information. It could needlessly compromise more of your personal information.
By having the Neighborhood Patrol Officers dedicated to specific geographic areas, the officers are not only able to become more familiar with the area than regular patrol officers, but they are also able to serve as a resource for and get to know area residents and business owners, learn about neighborhood concerns, and build working relationships with area Citizen on Patrol volunteers to work hand-in-hand in reducing neighborhood crime and promoting crime prevention tools.
Primary Duties:
- Work with crime analysts to identify crime trends within assigned neighborhoods, maintain open lines of communication with detectives, and assist the Information Management Section and supervisors in planning appropriate actions to address issues.
- Foster positive community leadership as a means to empower citizens within their neighborhoods by encouraging involvement in Citizens on Patrol, Citizen Police Academy, and Crime Watch to work collaboratively to reduce crime and promote crime prevention tools.
- Maintain open lines of communication between residents, business owners and the police department by attending community meetings and events, including neighborhood association and other community meetings.
- Recruit Citizen on Patrol volunteers, schedule them for training, and provide on-going training and correspondence to encourage and retain active memberships.
Enter your address on http://oneaddress.fortworthtexas.gov/ You will find your BEAT and NPO assigned as well as your nearest City Facilities, Services, and Crime Data.
211 Texas
Connecting People and Services
No matter where you live in Texas, you can dial 2-1-1, or (877) 541-7905, and find information about resources in your local community. Whether you need help finding food or housing, child care, crisis counseling or substance abuse treatment, one number is all you need to know.
NPO Roster
Community News
Las Vegas Trail Rise Community Center
Thomas Place Community Center
Salvation Army NTX Women's Auxiliary Garage Sale
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