 FWPD West Division Newsletter
August 2024
West Division command staff participate in the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) Tip-a-Cop event
Command staff from West Division was well represented at the LETR Tip-a-Cop event held at Texas Roadhouse on Thursday July 25, 2024. Commander Ricks, Lieutenant Medders and NPO Lincoln Sergeant Owen volunteered to be servers at the event. The event raises funds and awareness for Special Olympics with all tips collected benefiting Special Olympic athletes.
Crime Prevention Specialist and NPO hold discussion with residents of Overton South NA about Frauds and Scams
Crime Prevention Specialist (CPS) Steve Mitsuhashi and NPO J. Musquiz met with the residents of the Overton South NA to discuss frauds and scams. CPS Mitsuhashi gave a presentation on frauds and scams and provided suggestions on what residents can do to protect themselves from becoming a victim of a scam. After the presentation NPO Musquiz gave an overview on recent crime trends in the area. After the presentation, the residents had an opportunity to ask questions or discuss issues that were of a particular concern to them.
District 3 Councilmember trains with K9 unit
As part of the K9 Memorial dedication event held on June 29, 2024, at the Bob Bolen Public Safety Complex, District 3 Councilmember Michael D. Crain attended the event and participated in one of the training exercises. K9 handler/officer M. Larremore #4014, K9 Badger along with Councilmember Crain are shown in the photo below. K9 Badger is a 6-year-old Belgium Malinois who was imported from Poland. K9 Badger has been pared with Officer Larremore since 2019 and is responsible for several field apprehensions of felons.
NPO and Crime Prevention Specialist attend the Lake Como Community of Hope Safety Social
NPO David Nicholson (K16) along with Crime Prevention Specialist Steve Mitsuhashi attended the Lake Como Community of Hope Safety Social on July 17, 2024, to celebrate the residential community meeting all of the Crime Free Multi Housing milestones. Ms. Tracy Harrison (Property Manager) hosted the event and several residents from the community were in attendance. Crime Prevention Specialist Mitsuhashi and NPO Nicholson shared crime prevention safety tips with the residents. After the presentation, attendees had the opportunity to win prizes by being able to answer trivia questions or have their names selected in a drawing.
Driver Awareness presentation given to residents of Stevenson Oaks
On July 24, 2024, Crime Prevention Specialist Mitsuhashi and NPO Vasquez (K19) gave the residents of Steveson Oaks a presentation on driver awareness. During the presentation, attendees were given various defensive driving safety tips that should be incorporated whenever they are driving. Residents were also given a safe driver self-check list that they can use to determine if they are mentally and physically fit enough to get "behind the wheel". Additionally, residents were presented with the 11 steps that you need to take if you're involved in an automobile accident.
Trafficking 101 The Net FW
Human Trafficking Facts & Myths
The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) defines a sex trafficking victim as a person induced to perform a commercial sex act through force, fraud or coercion. Any person under age 18 who performs a commercial sex act is considered a victim of human trafficking, regardless of whether force, fraud or coercion was present.
There are an estimated 313,000 victims of human trafficking in Texas (UT Study)
99 billion dollars per year is generated from forced prostitution alone (Exodus Cry)
According to the FBI, less than 1% of trafficking victims are kidnapped, rather they are exploited by someone they love and trust.
11 - 15 years old is the average age of entry in prostitution found in most US research studies. (Equality Model)
85-95% of those in prostitution want to escape but have no other options for survival (Melissa Farley)
20% of all men will buy sex at least once in their life; 6% of men will buy in any given year. (Demand Abolition)
There is no common demographic of sex buyers. They are all ages, races, and socioeconomic statuses. (Demand Abolition)
Almost two thirds of active buyers want to quit buying sex! (Demand Abolition)
Misconception: Identifying sex trafficking as kidnapping and as "stranger danger"
Truth: According to the FBI, less than 1% of trafficking victims are kidnapped. Most are exploited by someone they know and trust.
Misconception: Sensationalizing random acts of robbery or even attempted kidnapping as trafficking.
Truth: It only legally becomes a trafficking case when money or something of value is exchanged for sex.
Misconception: Traffickers target random people in parking lots and parking garages.
Truth: Traffickers are looking for people who are vulnerable.
Misconception: If a victim isn't a young child but is an adult, shouldn't she know better or at least ask for help if she is being trafficked?
Truth: Many do not identify as trafficking victims.
Eye on Safety
Back to school safety tips for motorists and pedestrians
This article appeared in the Fort Worth City News August 12, 2022
The start of the school year is just around the corner. With that in mind, please observe the following safety tips for parents and students:
Watch for school zone signs and always obey the speed limit.
Never text or use your cellphone while driving in a school zone.
Stop for school buses that are loading or unloading children.
Watch out for school crossing guards and obey their signals.
Watch for children near schools, bus stops, sidewalks and streets.
Do not pass other vehicles, make U-turns or change lanes in a school zone.
Unless licensed to do so, never use handicap or emergency vehicle lanes or spaces to drop off or pick up children at school.
 Photo: Exit the bus when it stops, look left-right, and take five steps away from the bus toward the curb. (Source: MedStar)
What are NPOs?
**Enter your address on http://oneaddress.fortworthtexas.gov/ You will find your BEAT and NPO assigned as well as your nearest City Facilities, Services, and Crime Data.
By having the Neighborhood Patrol Officers dedicated to specific geographic areas, the officers are not only able to become more familiar with the area than regular patrol officers, but they are also able to serve as a resource for and get to know area residents and business owners, learn about neighborhood concerns, and build working relationships with area Citizen on Patrol volunteers to work hand-in-hand in reducing neighborhood crime and promoting crime prevention tools.
Primary Duties:
· Work with crime analysts to identify crime trends within assigned neighborhoods, maintain open lines of communication with detectives, and assist the Information Management Section and supervisors in planning appropriate actions to address issues.
· Foster positive community leadership as a means to empower citizens within their neighborhoods by encouraging involvement in Citizens on Patrol, Citizen Police Academy, and Crime Watch to work collaboratively to reduce crime and promote crime prevention tools.
· Maintain open lines of communication between residents, business owners and the police department by attending community meetings and events, including neighborhood association and other community meetings.
· Recruit Citizen on Patrol volunteers, schedule them for training, and provide on-going training and correspondence to encourage and retain active memberships.
211 Texas - Connecting People and Services
No matter where you live in Texas, you can dial 2-1-1, or (877) 541-7905, and find information about resources in your local community. Whether you need help finding food or housing, child care, crisis counseling or substance abuse treatment, one number is all you need to know.
Scam Alert
Avoid Answering Calls from These Area Codes: Scam Phone Numbers Guide
Scam phone numbers: International Area Codes with a +1 Country Code
232—Sierra Leone
242 — Bahamas
246 — Barbados
268 — Antigua
284 — British Virgin Islands
345 — Cayman Islands
441 — Bermuda
473 — Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique
649 — Turks and Caicos
664 — Montserrat
721 — Saint Maarten
758 — St. Lucia
767 — Dominica
784 — St. Vincent and Grenadines
809, 829, and 849 — The Dominican Republic
868 — Trinidad and Tobago
869 — St. Kitts and Nevis
876 — Jamaica
It's important to note that scammers can create scam phone numbers by spoofing numbers from many area codes, not just the ones listed above. Remember, a good rule of thumb is if you don't recognize the phone number, don't pick up your phone and let it go to voicemail. This can help you avoid falling for common phone scams, such as those pesky car extended warranty calls.
By the way—if you are charged for picking up a scam call, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recommends contacting your phone company to try and take care of the matter. You can also file a complaint about the scam call with the FCC.
Community Center News
LVT Rise Community Center

National Night Out is coming October 1, 2024
National Night Out will be held on Tuesday October 1, 2024. National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. You can register to host the event in your neighborhood by pressing the button below.
Crime Free Multi Housing
Attention: Apartment owners, managers, assistant managers and leasing agents. You can register to attend the city's Crime Free Multi Housing training by scanning the QR code to the right.
The FWPD West Division Newsletter has gone digital.
To sign up for the newsletter, you have the option to scan the QR code to your left or you can press the subscribe button below.