Ward 6 Monthly Update 09/2024

Nelsie 3

September 6, 2024


Saint Paul Businesses Notified of 2025 Minimum Wage Increases


SAINT PAUL, MN – Today, businesses in Saint Paull will receive notice of minimum wage increases for 2025. 

Effective January 1, 2025, the minimum wage hourly rate will be:   

  • $15.97 for large businesses (101-10,000 employees) and macro businesses (10,001+ employees) 

Effective July 1, 2025, the minimum wage hourly rate will be: 

  • $15.00 for small businesses (6-100 employees) 
  • $13.25 for micro businesses (5 employees or less)  

Under the ordinance, business size matters. Employers must count all employees whether employed full-time, part-time, jointly with another employer, or working on temporary basis. Please see our website for more information


On November 14, 2018, Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter signed into law a Minimum Wage Ordinance, Chapter 244 after a unanimous vote from the Saint Paul City Council. The Minimum Wage ordinance implements minimum wage rates depending on business size. Those schedules, along with updated workplace notice posters, can be found on our website

Citizenship and Immigrant Resource Fair​

Learn about the ways you can support our new Americans and those working toward citizenship

The City of Saint Paul, in partnership with the City of Minneapolis, is hosting a Citizenship and Immigration Fair at Rice Street Library! This fair is part of an ongoing collaboration of the Saint Paul Public Library, Saint Paul immigration office, the City of Minneapolis, and various nonprofits. 

As part of Welcoming Week, the fair is extra special as this event will center around celebrating our new neighbors to our country. There will be book giveaways in addition to some the more regularly scheduled programming. 

Event Information

Saturday, September 21, 1-4 p.m. Rice Street Library, 1011 Rice Street

Questions and more information can be directed to Edmundo Lijo with Saint Paul Immigrant and Refugee Program at edmundo.lijo@ci.stpaul.mn.us or call 651-266-8783

The Bookmobile is now the Mobile Library


Saint Paul Public Library's Mobile Library is a vibrant and dynamic community resource, bringing the rich offerings of the library directly to neighborhoods throughout the city. This innovative service is a testament to SPPL’s commitment to accessibility and inclusivity, ensuring that everyone, regardless of location, can benefit from our vast collection of materials, resources, services, and programs. For many community members, the Mobile Library serves as their home library, and they rely on the vehicle’s visit for similar services found in a library building. By meeting Saint Paul residents where they are, the Mobile Library fosters joy of discovery, supports lifelong learning, and strengthens community connections in all corners of Saint Paul.

Contact Us

Email: ward6@stpaul.gov

Phone: 651-266-8660

Facebook: NelsieYangWard6

Twitter: @NelsieYangCM

Meet & Greet virtual appointments are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Public Works Survey

Public Works

The City of Saint Paul Public Works Department is looking for your input on how to reimagine City snow operations to respond to changes in climate, resident expectations, and operational realities. If you are a Saint Paul resident I encourage you to participate in this survey by clicking on the link. 


Public Works Survey

The City of Saint Paul prohibits discrimination


The City has one of our nation’s strongest human rights laws prohibiting discrimination for everyone who lives, works, plays, and does business in the City. The Human Rights team investigates people’s complaints of discrimination under the Saint Paul Human Rights Ordinance. Contact us by phone at 651-266-8966, email at hrightscomplaints@ci.stpaul.mn.us or by filing a Discrimination inquiry form. You can view the list of protected classes and areas we can investigate below.


Property Tax Deferral for Senior Citizens

Property tax deferral

Property Tax Deferral for Senior Citizens through the State of MN may allow you to defer a portion of the property taxes you owe. Visit the link above or call 651-556-6091.

Secure Storage

secure campaign

Stolen guns often end up being used for criminal activity. Secure storage of guns builds safer communities. Learn more facts and how to obtain a free gun lock here. 

Link:Secure Storage Fact Sheet

A Skatepark for the East Side

Eastside Skatepark Taskforce

The East Side Skatepark Taskforce, made up of East side residents and Twin Cities skateboarding advocates, is proposing a destination skatepark that will become an iconic feature in the Payne Phalen business corridor.

Help get a destination skatepark built for St. Paul's East Side by taking the East Side Skatepark Taskforce survey!

The new East Side Skatepark and Recreation Area will be a multi-amenity outdoor space, including native gardens, solar lighting, picnic and barbecue areas, and resident art that celebrates the cultural fabric of the community.