SAINT PAUL, MN – Today, businesses in Saint Paull will receive notice of minimum wage increases for 2025.
Effective January 1, 2025, the minimum wage hourly rate will be:
- $15.97 for large businesses (101-10,000 employees) and macro businesses (10,001+ employees)
Effective July 1, 2025, the minimum wage hourly rate will be:
- $15.00 for small businesses (6-100 employees)
- $13.25 for micro businesses (5 employees or less)
Under the ordinance, business size matters. Employers must count all employees whether employed full-time, part-time, jointly with another employer, or working on temporary basis. Please see our website for more information.
On November 14, 2018, Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter signed into law a Minimum Wage Ordinance, Chapter 244 after a unanimous vote from the Saint Paul City Council. The Minimum Wage ordinance implements minimum wage rates depending on business size. Those schedules, along with updated workplace notice posters, can be found on our website.
Learn about the ways you can support our new Americans and those working toward citizenship
The City of Saint Paul, in partnership with the City of Minneapolis, is hosting a Citizenship and Immigration Fair at Rice Street Library! This fair is part of an ongoing collaboration of the Saint Paul Public Library, Saint Paul immigration office, the City of Minneapolis, and various nonprofits.
As part of Welcoming Week, the fair is extra special as this event will center around celebrating our new neighbors to our country. There will be book giveaways in addition to some the more regularly scheduled programming.
Event Information
Saturday, September 21, 1-4 p.m. Rice Street Library, 1011 Rice Street
Questions and more information can be directed to Edmundo Lijo with Saint Paul Immigrant and Refugee Program at edmundo.lijo@ci.stpaul.mn.us or call 651-266-8783
Saint Paul Public Library's Mobile Library is a vibrant and dynamic community resource, bringing the rich offerings of the library directly to neighborhoods throughout the city. This innovative service is a testament to SPPL’s commitment to accessibility and inclusivity, ensuring that everyone, regardless of location, can benefit from our vast collection of materials, resources, services, and programs. For many community members, the Mobile Library serves as their home library, and they rely on the vehicle’s visit for similar services found in a library building. By meeting Saint Paul residents where they are, the Mobile Library fosters joy of discovery, supports lifelong learning, and strengthens community connections in all corners of Saint Paul.