Rice & Larpenteur Alliance Community In Bloom Event - May 11

Stop by the Rice & Larpenteur Alliance's Community In Bloom event at Lake McCarron's Park TOMORROW, May 11th from noon-2pm. Bring your family for a celebration of spring, nature, art, and community. Enjoy free food, lawn games, lakeside fun, a bounce house, mobile library, arts & crafts, fire rescue vehicles, music & more!
Lake Como Cleanup - May 14
 The District 10 Como Community Council has planned their first 2024 LAKE Cleanup on Tuesday, May 14, 5-8pm (sign-in at Como Pavilion down by the docks)
These events, in partnership with the Capitol Region Watershed District, focus on the shoreline and Lake Como itself. Snacks and supplies provided!
Registration (before May 13) is not required, but it helps plan and communicate if changes come up.
Neighborhood STAR and Cultural STAR Programs - Deadline May 15
  Applications for Saint Paul’s Neighborhood STAR and Cultural STAR grant programs are open! Apply online by Wednesday, May 15 at 4 pm.
Neighborhood STAR
The Neighborhood STAR program grants fund capital projects in Saint Paul neighborhoods. To be eligible for a STAR grant, an applicant must: 1) be located in or do business in Saint Paul, 2) make a capital improvement with an expected life of 7+ years, and 3) have a project that contributes to the prosperity, cultural diversity, and vitality of Saint Paul neighborhoods.
Have questions? Contact the Neighborhood STAR staff at PED-NeighborhoodStar@stpaul.gov.
Cultural STAR
The Cultural STAR program grows Saint Paul's economy by strengthening the arts and cultural sector and supporting downtown as a vital cultural center.
Organizations can apply for grants for special projects, organizational development, or capital projects. Special projects and organizational development work must take place between August 1, 2024, and July 31, 2025, to be eligible for this funding round. For capital projects, the work must happen between August 1, 2024, and July 31, 2026.
For additional help, contact Cultural STAR staff at PED-CulturalStar@stpaul.gov.
PCIARC Annual Summit - May 16
 The Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission (PCIARC) is the City’s community oversight board for allegations of police misconduct.
Get Involved
The PCIARC is comprised of Saint Paul residents and is seeking new members! Those interested can apply to join the PCIARC online or email the PCIARC Coordinator, Sierra Cumberland at Sierra.K.Cumberland@ci.stpaul.mn.us for more information.
May 16th PCIARC Annual Summit
The City’s Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission's (PCIARC) Annual Summit will take place on May 16, 2024, 6:00-7:30 at the Rondo Community Library (461 Dale St N).
Please join to learn more about civilian oversight of Saint Paul Police Department and how community members are involved in the filing and review of complaints regarding misconduct of police officers. We'll discuss the complaint review process and data from the 2023 PCIARC Annual Report.
Register for the PCIARC Annual Summit here. Contact the PCIARC Coordinator with any questions or request a language interpreter for the event at CivilianReview@ci.stpaul.mn.us or 651-266-8970.