Flooding Updates in St Paul
 The City of St Paul has been coordinating internally and with other agency partners to prepare for spring flooding. The record temperatures this week have melted the large snowpack in the area, and it’s starting to flow down the Mississippi River and through our city.
Currently (as of Friday, April 14) the river gauge in Saint Paul is at 10.52 feet. The National Weather Service forecasts some precipitation over the weekend and indicates the Mississippi River levels will continue to rise and reach moderate flood stage, of at least 15 feet, by Monday, April 17. The river is expected to reach major flood stage of 17 feet by Wednesday, April 19.
For flood updates, road closures, park closures, National Weather Service information, and resources, please visit stpaul.gov/flood.
Earth Day in 6 Languages: Hmong, Karen, Somali, Spanish, English, and American Sign Language!
 The Payne-Phalen Community Council is hosting an Earth Day Festival with a series of events conducted in six different languages: Hmong, Karen, Somali, Spanish, English and American Sign Language. You and your loved ones are invited to share your ideas, dreams and visions for the future of Payne-Phalen in the language that is most comfortable for you.
There will be free food, Evie car-share demonstrations, games, and fun for all ages! Come to an environmental justice brainstorming session to share your ideas and hear what others have to say about the need for environmental justice in our neighborhoods and communities. Each different session will be conducted in Hmong, Karen, Somali, Spanish, English or American Sign Language.
Saturday, April 22, 2023 11am - 3:00 pm Arlington Hill Community Center 1200 Payne Ave
Pre-register for Earth Day in 6 Languages here. (Registration is not required, but strongly encouraged!)
Questions? Email: district5@paynephalen.org, text: 651-724-7647 or call: 651-774-5234. Please reach out if a $25 incentive would help you to be able to attend.
Celebrate Earth Day at the 2023 Citywide Spring Cleanup!
 You're invited to the 2023 Citywide Spring Cleanup! Join forces with your neighbors to clear the litter from our parks and neighborhood streets that has been exposed with the melting snow. No pre-registration is necessary. Stop by your local kickoff site any time between 9am-11:30am on April 22 to check in and pick up bags and gloves, then head out to collect litter at your park or neighborhood of choice.
Ward 6 sites:
Arlington Hills Community Center- Hosted by Saint Paul Parks and Recreation
Phalen Picnic Pavilion- Hosted by Friends of St. Paul-Changsha Friendship Garden at Phalen Park and Urban Roots
More East Side sites:
Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary/Wakaŋ Tipi- Hosted by Wakaŋ Tipi Awaŋyaŋkapi
Indian Mounds Regional Park and Cemetery- Hosted by Wakaŋ Tipi Awaŋyaŋkapi
Swede Hollow Park- Hosted by Friends of Swede Hollow
Conway Park- Hosted by Southeast Community Organization, The Sanneh Foundation and Saint Paul Public Library
For more information about the Citywide Spring Cleanup, and for a full list of cleanup sites, visit stpaul.gov/citywidecleanup.
Transportation Safety Action Plan

Saint Paul is developing a Transportation Safety Action Plan to reduce and eliminate traffic fatalities and injuries in Saint Paul. The plan will center the people and communities most affected by traffic-related injuries and fatalities to improve safety for all users (pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and drivers).